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Posts posted by FutureExSeppo

  1. 1 minute ago, Tanwi said:

    Did you sit your test on the day they wanted or did you move the test date up a bit from the original date? 

    Thank you 

    I would have definitely moved it up if it'd been an option! If I remember correctly, I had actually put a note on my application to the effect of "please do not schedule test/interview between July 6-21" (was thinking of taking a trip back to America during school holidays to see my new niece) and so of course they offered me the 9th of July and 1-2 other dates in that range. 

    I decided to scrub the trip as my only other option was to wait until late August for the next available appointment. I imagine Hobart is a comparatively small office so there might be fewer appointments/case officers available, and thus less flexibility. There were only like 2-3 desks in the Home Affairs office, or at least the client-facing part of it. 


    8 minutes ago, Tanwi said:

    Congratulations and thank you for the insightful read. 🙂

    Thank you! Not quite real yet...

    • Thanks 1
  2. Was doing some Googling to try and find an answer to my question, think this thread has answered it so wanted to make a contribution:

    1. Date applied: late March 2019
    2. City/Council area: Clarence (Hobart)
    3. Online / Paper: Online
    4. Date received the acknowledgement email: 26 March 2019
    5. Date of the Citizenship Test: 09 July 2019

    Approval: 28 July 2019?? (said last activity on the account was 25 July, so guessing that's probably the actual date)

    1. Date of ceremony: Waiting for letter
    2. Type of ceremony: Normal

    Other info: American, 189 (Skilled Independent Visa), have lived in a few other countrieslong enough to require police checks (thankfully didn't have to redo for citizenship). Languished for a year on a joint Bridging visa with Immi demanding proof of my American partner and I's relationship despite having a Tasmanian Deed of Significant Relationship, which was supposedly all we needed.

    I thought some of the info I got at my test/interview might be of interest to people here (apologies if it's been discussed on an earlier page) and thought I'd share: 

    I had brought a copy of my birth certificate (actually a printout of a scan of the official copy) which the guy said I needed an original official copy for. He was able to let me do the test and everything else, and said he'd put through a request for more information that day, and I'd have 28 days or so to get the proper copy to them. I did get the email requesting more documents that day, but he rang me the following day to apologise and say he'd followed it up and my copy was good enough for Immi (recent change in policy) and to not worry about it. YMMV I suppose.

    I got to chatting with the Home Affairs guy at the appointment and he mentioned that as of recently they are now able to access any document you've ever submitted to Immi (as opposed to the old system where they could only look at the one application), which is intended to help them streamline and speed things up. He alluded to a few other back-end improvements on their end and that things are always changing, though he seemed optimistic it was generally for the better now. I didn't actually think to ask (assumed they wouldn't tell me), but he looked at his screen and said it seemed like my application was most of the way processed, so it shouldn't be a huge wait. Based on my previous experience with Immigration I figured it'd still be months.

    As I said, I still expected the wait to be months, so imagine my surprise when I logged in to my Immi account today on a lark and saw my application had been approved! (I had assumed I would get an email like with visa approvals so hadn't checked it since the day after my appointment.) From what I've read here and a thread on Whirlpool it sounds like that's what you have to do though? So at the moment I'm waiting for a letter from my local council about next citizenship ceremony. 

    Incredibly exciting - in my mid 30s and have been on this path pretty much my whole adult life!


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