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Posts posted by CazzDownUnder


    On 07/09/2019 at 02:41, Toots said:

    Are you here in Australia?  If so, there are any amount of books on those subjects in bookshops and online.  Same if you are in the UK.  Google the books you are interested in and buy online if not available locally.  

    I was looking for suggestions. There have been many books written but they might not be any good.


    On 07/09/2019 at 02:53, Marisawright said:

    I like the gardening books by Jackie French.   They're written in an engaging style and are very practical and down to earth.  They don't expect you to be an amazing gardener or blind you with science. 


    This website is good for learning about Australian birds http://www.birdlife.org.au/all-about-birds/australias-birds/find-a-bird

    I don't know if this is the best bird book around but it's the one I've used for years:


    Thanks, i'll check them out

  2. Hello everyone,

    I am looking for recommendations for books about Australian flora and fauna. Encyclopedias about birds etc and also any decent gardening or veg growing books you can suggest. Thanks in advance.

  3. Not there yet but a few of my reasons are:

    1. A better life for my children. I don't want them to have to pay for this Brexit mess for the rest of their lives. I can't see a life in the UK for us anymore.

    2. My husband is wanted in Australia for his skills.

    3. I should have been born there. My parents had their visas and flights booked in the 70's to go live in Townsville. At the 11th hour my Mum decided she couldn't go and leave her Mum in the UK. My father regretted it his whole life and was so happy when he heard we wanted to emigrate, he died last year and left us some money to take a trip to Oz.

    4. Gardening. Ok this is a bit daft but I like to garden and would like to try growing new and exotic plants and food. 

    5. Electric car. I would love to have and electric car that is charged by my own solar panels, giving me effectively a free ride. I know it's silly.

    1. Family time. My husband will be out of the military and we will see him more. No months away on deployment unless he signs up for the ADF!

    2. Adventure! It will be a big change, a shock to the system and will take lots of getting used to. But wow what an adventure and a chance to learn.

    3. Stars. I have never seen a pollution free night sky. Driving into the sticks and pitching up is on my bucket list, if I can do it a few times a year fantastic.

    4. Happiness, I've heard people are more cheerful in Oz. I work with pre-school children and love their smiling happy faces, if more people could be like that the world would be a wonderful place.

    5. Weather, of course. I would love for my winter born kid to have a party outside.

    6. Travel opportunities, I've been all over Europe. I have only been to a handful of places in Asia and none in Oceana. It's time to explore more of that side of the world.

    7. Love, Corny I know, but Australia is my husbands dream and therefore mine, I would follow him literally to the end of the earth!

    Now I wait for my reasonings to be blown apart!


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