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Posts posted by jimboallen95

  1. Hi all,

    I currently have an on-shore application for a 461 visa since Feb 2019, i'm on a bridging visa.

    My partner and I potentially have to return to England for an extended period (unsure of length but could be 1-2 years) due to personal family issues so am considering either applying for repeated Bridging visa B's and returning each time until a decision is made (up to 26-28 months) or potentially withdrawing my visa and re-applying off-shore so I am able to leave the country for a longer period.

    Does anyone have any advice on this? Do you know if I withdrew my bridging A and left the country, could I re-apply off-shore for the 461 almost right away or is there a cooling off period in between applying for the same visa?

    It appears you can't switch to an off-shore once you have applied onshore and the processing time is so long it appears we wouldn't have a grant before needing to leave.

    I know we won't get a refund but my main concern is withdrawing and then having to wait a year to re-apply and then the processing time of 2 years.


  2. Hi all,

    I am on a bridging visa A from a 461 application from a WHV and am nearing the 6 months restriction for my current role a these conditions carried over from my previous visa.

    My current employer wants/needs to keep me longer than 6 months, I am going to submit a 1005 with a letter from them and me. Hopefully that is enough (is this the correct form?). I have red many WHV's getting longer than 6 months with the 1445 so would hope they're as lenient with the bridging for a 461.

    Failing that, which is my concern, I read you could apply for a bridging visa B, leave the country and because you have switched to bridging visa B and then back to A the work restriction resets so in theory you have another 6 months. is this correct?

    I am hoping immigration will understand why the 6 month is restrictive considering the visa processing time is now 27 months but i need a back-up as my employers need me to finish the project.

    Any suggestions/help massively appreciated.

  3. Hi,

    I have applied for the 461 NZ visa back in February and am currently on a bridging visa from my WHV. On the bridging it mentions that I have the 6 month restriction, what is the process to getting this removed as I am in a current role that requires me for longer than 6 months?

    The processing time for the 461 is now 26-27 months and it's unrealistic for me to keep doing 6 month contracts for potentially over 2 years. I have had to switch jobs a few times already and would be leaving mid project if i cant get this extended or waived.

    I have researched and it seems either 1445 or 1005 form?

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