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Posts posted by Rodderick89

  1. On 06/09/2018 at 03:29, niamhmulk said:

    Ah ok, I think that might be a problem. I did a 3 year degree in primary education and then a Masters in special needs, and that qualified me as a special needs teacher. I think you will need to do the post grad to get recognised by AITSL, as the special needs requirement is 1 year full time study ? 

    Hi Niamh - (And sorry Orls for jumping on your thread here!)

    I too have a 3 year Primary Education degree... As you will know, AITSL won't accept this on its own to give me a skills assessment...

    Can I ask which uni you did the masters in SEN? Also - Did you come to Australia as a Primary School Teacher or Special Needs Teacher/Educator? 

    My concern is that I do a masters in SEN but then still can't qualify for the skills assessment as I'll have 3 years Primary and 1 year SEN...

    Any advice greatly appreciated, thanks in advance 🙂

  2. Hi all - AITSL question!

    I have a 3 year degree (Primary Education 5-11 BA Hons..With Initial Teacher Training).

    I then did my NQT year (in a special needs school) and achieved QTS.

    I want to apply for a 189 Skilled visa... but according to the AITSL website, in order to get a skills assessment I need a 4 year degree.

    Any advice other than do a 1 year post graduate/masters degree?

    Are there any other teaching related visas (other than 189) that I can apply for, which would accept 3 year degree?

    Finally.. if I did a masters in Special Education, could I apply for a 189 as a "Special Education Teacher"... or must the masters be linked to Primary education?

    Just checking I haven't missed something before I spend thousands of pounds going back to University..

    Many thanks in advance to anyone who can offer some clarity on the above... 

  3. How did everyone on here get on with their applications?

    I am looking at the 189 skilled visa as an option... but as others have said, my degree is only 3 years (BAHons Primary Education with ITE). I did my NQT year in an SEN school and then 4 years further teaching in the same SEN school.

    It appears from the AITSL website and what others have said here that they won't accept my 3 year degree... Holly (OP) what did you do in the end?

    I am guessing the only way forwards is to do a 1 year masters to get that 4th year of education that they want??

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