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Posts posted by Famofthree

  1. Looking for advise guys.......naive me thought this was going to be so much more simple and now in stress mode.

    I am Australian. live in UK. Husband is British (married 4+ years together 9 years). Baby is British (1year old).

    I have been offered a job back in Oz so entering for me is fine but the job starts in December (6months away).

    I intend to move over permanently in December with bubba, husband will join for a short holiday but then return to the UK for work for a few months.

    How do we go about getting his visa. I know we can apply for a tourist visa initially then when onshore (not enough time for offshore application! and we don't want to be separated for up to 2 years whilst waiting for his visa to come through in the UK so not really an option!) apply for a 820/801.

    But this can take up to 2 years to come through so we would also need a bridging visa....... has this bridging visa got a code? do we apply for it? does it automatically go through? 

    I have also read that its harder to get a job with this type of visa! is there a specific reason why? or just employers don't like it? Also what is the timescale for this specific bridging visa.....will we have to wait months before the hubby can work??  

    Also i know we need to get a visa for bubba, and can do this by decent which i have tried to look into but i have to apply in person or by post which i presume then i can only do once we are in oz? Does bubba need a tourist visa? or is there a way i can get him his oz passport from the uk?

    Sorry for so many questions......i don't know why but it has come as such a shock how many hoops to jump through (understand why....still a shock lol)

    Thanks all!

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