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Posts posted by Rob50

  1. Hi,

    I hope I find everyone well.

    I currently wondering what the currently timelines are for PMV 300 visa grants are from the UK.

    The reason for the ask, is we have applied for a PMV 300, for me, to be able to marry my fiance in Australia.

    We are engaged, from last year, and I have not long since returned from Australia, after another trip to see my beloved.

    After spending a few months collating evidence of our relationship, photos, phone call records, birth certificates, 888 forms, NOIM etc etc as well as AFP and UK ACRO certificate, ensuring we had all the information required from the check list we discussed with the MARA agent, we finally applied, using a UK MARA registered agent.

    We submitted the application on the 7/2/20, via the MARA agent.

    We received a request for further information on 27/2/20, to be responded to within 28 days of the email sent.

    1. For me to have a medical, which was completed in Brisbane 9/3/20, as I was in Australia at the time.

    2. For my beloved to complete an online sponsorship form, S56, which we did, and submitted via my IMMI account, using the reference numbers from out case, so they hopefully match up. this was completed and submitted 13/3/20. As there were a few issues with the IMMI site crashing. This is the only form I can see, which states submitted, as our agent is the person immigration contacts as well.

    3. to bring our wedding date forward, from June 2021, as we thought with the global processing time, it might take that long. On this request, the email stated our application is in in its final stages, and the current weeding date, is outside of the 9 months required for visa time line. We have brought our wedding date forward to the 12/12/20, to be within the next 9 months, in the hope the visa will be granted soon.


    I have checked this week with the agent, and there are no further asks, and the application is in a submitted state, I have been told the rule of thumb is 2 weeks to check for any further asks from the medical, although i am not expecting any, so i can check with the agent next week to see if the are any further questions.

    Has anybody else, who has applied with, a nearly all front loaded application, had a quick turn around on the asks for further information such as medical and sponsorship form?

    What are other experiences and timelines, for the visa to be granted, after completing the medical and sponsorship form?

    Will we be asked to attend an interview?


    Many thanks in advance,





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