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Posts posted by rosie76

  1. HELP! Has anyone moved a young family from Australia (Brisbane) to London?
    We (my Australian husband and I) moved to Brisbane from London almost 8 years ago. I am originally from the UK but we have settled here in Brisbane. We have two small kids (in early primary). 
    We have a lovely, easy life here with great friends but no family support (all of my husbands family are interstate). After a couple of my close relatives passed away last year, I have started to feel that perhaps we should move back to the UK/Europe as I am afraid that I will regret it if we do not make the move sooner rather than later. I also feel that I would love my kids to be closer to my parents and their aunts, uncles and cousins as those relationships were hugely important in my life. I also miss Europe, the family support that we would love with two small kids and of course, being able to travel easily around Europe. 
    My husband has been offered a great job in the UK (with a possible base of London or Amsterdam) however he has a fantastic job here and would not be able to return to it should we decide to leave. 
    As for me, I have taken a break from a successful career for the past 3 years and would like to return to work part time. This is proving a little difficult in Brisbane as there are few senior roles available on a part time basis. 
    Our kids have a wonderful life here (as do we) and whilst I feel that moving is perhaps the best thing to do now, I really have no idea what might be best for all of us long term. 
    The main issue I see is that if we did return to London, whilst we would be closer to my family, we would still be an hour away by plane from them and our day to day lives would be the same (except without the sunshine and Queensland lifestyle!). I am also concerned about the difference in quality of life for my family (particularly in a big city like London compared to Brisbane which is such an easy place to live). 
    I wondered if any of you lovely people have found yourself in a similar situation and could offer any advice or wisdom. Pros and cons? Should we? Shouldn’t we? 
    Any insight from your experiences would be greatly appreciated. 
    Thank you kindly 😊
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