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Posts posted by Helenmc

  1. So, to summarise:
    Your occupation is on the skilled list for a 189 visa (a PR or permanent resident visa) but you don't have the required qualifications.   Therefore your only option is to go to university and get the bachelor's degree.   You would get credits (sometimes called "advanced standing") for your existing qualifications, so you wouldn't have to do the full degree.  It's worth checking with some universities,  you may be surprised how much credit you can get.
    Then you might have to work for a couple of years to get the required experience, because experience often doesn't count until you've got the qualification - but again, that's worth checking so you know where you stand.
    That's your only option, I'm afraid.  There is NO point in looking for a 2 year visa, or for an employer to sponsor you.  Both of those will only get you a short-term contract.  At the end of it, you may be eligible to apply for PR - but ONLY if you have the required qualifications, which you won't have, so you'll be back where you started.  There's no magic that happens just because you're already living in Australia, it's exactly the same.  You'll have to go back home and start all over again.
    I know it's hard to accept that there's no other way, but the hard fact is that it's $%^** difficult to emigrate to Australia, and the majority of the population simply aren't eligible to do so.  Australia is very, very fussy these days because it's not desperate for people any more.

    Thankyou so much for the help... yep, suppose I need to put by dream on hold for 3 years at least.
    Thanks again x
  2. I think you've wise to rethink it.  Frankly, coming on a student visa is only feasible if you're single, and even then it's tough unless you've got rich parents (a lot of international students in Australia are from rich Asian families).
    The fees are very high.  You are allowed to work part-time, but good luck finding an employer who wants to hire you -  you can't be flexible with your hours and you're only on a temp visa, good luck with that.   Even if you manage to survive financially till the end of your course, there's no guarantee you'll get a permanent visa at the end of it.  Depending on the course, you may need to get a Graduate visa for another two years to get the necessary work experience.  Then you've got to apply for a permanent visa and pray they haven't changed the rules in the meantime (it happens a lot).  
    You were asking about jobs in Hervey Bay recently - does this mean that you aren't even eligible to get a PR visa or is it just that you can't find a job in your current occupation in that area?

    In a best case scenario I would love to come and work... but I only have a diploma in health studies and a city and guilds level 2 in supporting vulnerable people, oh and 13 years work experience in youth homelessness and management. Although my job role fits into primary health care manager you require a bachelors degree to get a positive skill set through VETASSESS.
    My next option was skill set community worker as some of my experience fits into that break down but there’s also criteria that in my qualifications that don’t 100% match.
    There is a chance I could get a 2 year visa as community worker is only on the short skill set as primary manager is 4 year.... but....
    It’s $700 for the skills assessment through ACWA and its just money that I can’t afford to loose.
    I have researched and researched.
    All the skills jobs (that offer sponsorship) are in Sydney!! It’s not really a place I want to be.
    That’s why I looked into study but there’s no way I can afford $80,000 plus school fees.
    I honestly don’t know the next step, I have applied for loads of jobs that I know that I have the skills to do but they don’t offer sponsorship.
    If anyone out there could help in anyway I would appreciate it.
    Thanks so much x
  3. Hello,

    I’m hoping to migrate to aus to carry out my bachelors degree in nursing, but I’m not sure if I will be able to get a student grant.

    I’d be a mature student at 36 and I’m a parent of one...

    I’ve looked on the university of the Sunshine Coast and it states that uk students wouldn’t be able to apply for the student loan.

    Has anyone accessed any other grant in order to pay for the course fees.

    Thanks in advance

  4. Hiya, I’m thinking about moving to Hervey Bay from the UK. I currently work as a manager of a young persons supported accommodation scheme. What are the job opportunities around that area for similar roles. Also what’s schooling like? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 

  5. Hiya, I’m thinking about moving to Hervey Bay from the UK. I currently work as a manager of a young persons supported accommodation scheme. What are the job opportunities around that area for similar roles. Also what’s schooling like? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 

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