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Posts posted by Jwoo

  1. Oh my, Sarah -what a lot of big big decisions for you at this time. If you have reached the stage of thinking of a divorce I would say at least postpone your future life here in Australia until you are right with each other one way or another. Marriage counselling or talk it over with someone at your church? Someone unbiased preferably, I know how church people can be re separation etc. Talk talk talk with your husband who may not realise the depth of your feelings !
    I so agree with this. Sarah I'm very sorry about the situation you find yourself in but i do agree with the others here. This is not a good time to take a big jump. Maybe hubby needs to "have faith in God" and consolidate and work with you on the relationship before making any other life changing decisions. Best of luck.
  2. Thanks everyone for your input, it's really helped me to see what I'm about and to see my options more clearly. I really don't want a hugely stressful, even if prestigious, new job at this stage in my life. It's only because the job is in London and keeps coming up, that makes me think perhaps the universe is telling me something. Apart from that I wouldn't look at it at all, especially after my earlier experience and what I've heard subsequently. In fact when they gave the job to someone local two years ago, I wondered if I'd dodged a bit of a bullet. And when it came up again a year ago I didn't apply at all.
    I'm wondering if some of you are right that I should plan more carefully, buy a small place here and set myself up a bit better, take a sabbatical and do it in a way that suits me better and is healthier for my future.
    Thanks again everybody for your very valuable input. This is really a great forum!

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  3. Melbpom yes those were my thoughts re. Ideally being able to buy a small place before I go. They have advertised the job now after all though, so looks as if I'll be competing with locals and all sorts, as I was a couple of years ago when I nearly won the job. I guess we'll see. Thanks for your thoughts!

  4. Hi all, long time lurker first time poster and I really enjoy this forum. I'm looking for your excellent advice please to help crystallize my thoughts and come to some sort of decision. I was born in London, left very unhappily at 9 years old due to father's issues. That was 45 years ago. Lots of family sorrows later meant that leaving home has always been a bit of an open wound for me. Not unhappy with life in Australia at all but a weak sense of belonging, and then broken marriage, no kids, spent some years taking care of niece and nephew due to family problems there, so distracted for a time. But no real roots except mum and brother here now, and just drifting for several years, working hard but feeling unsure and stuck, and homesick for what i lost 45 years ago.

    Now a very good job has come up in London which i know through past experience I'd be quite likely to win. A two year fixed term role in the very busy office of someone i think might be a bit of a bully.

    What would you do if you were me?

    I'm 54 and worked for myself for 8 years so super is average at best 175k, i don't own my home partly due to marriage breakdown but later this constant uncertainty about where i should be.

    I am a UK/Aus citizen, 54 years old, not ambitious for a prestigious role for myself but this one would look good on my cv so would set me up if i wanted to stay, or indeed if i wanted to return. I'm worried I'd lose my financial security by going now though, when I could stay here, work steadily, buy a tiny place (I've quite a bit saved), and retire in ten years or so, then move back to the UK if i wanted to with a lot more security. But by then of course mum will likely need my care back here.

    Also, here i have a very secure role, a good name in a large organisation, long service leave etc, and opportunities here for better paying work i am also looking at. I really can afford to go home for a holiday every year or so.

    And of course i am pining for London c1974, so the whole thing might be a disaster anyway. Though when i do go home for a few weeks I do oddly feel that i belong under that sky and on that land. I have family there but the connection is really about the place now.

    This had all been buzzing around in my head for too long so I'd be glad for any light you can help shed. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, thanks all.

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