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Posts posted by jacs23

  1. Thanks so much to you all that have replied 😀 it’s been great to read your stories. 

    We will have to wait until next April to apply for citizenship as it’s a year wait from when we get PR. But it’s definitely one of the things we’d like to do. Although someone mentioned that because the kids were born here, and now that we are residents, they become citizens ?? I need to look into that before we leave. 

    My husband worked for companies relating to mining but never in the mines themselves. He’s more involved with hazardous waste management. He works for Cleanaway. He’s been looking for similar work in Scotland but no luck as of yet, I have said to him to just apply for anything at the moment as a job is a job at the end of the day, it’ll get us through for a while back home until we can find something he really wants to do. I’ve worked in retail most of my life so will try to get something in that field of work again once kids have settled into school & nursery. 

    We’ve decided to sell all of our home things here, beds, washing machine, dining table etc etc etc ... will be easier to save and start new once we’re back. Taking sentimental things of course. And have asked for a quote to see how much it’ll be to ship our dog & kitten back with us. I’m not quite prepared to leave them, but if we have to, I’ll deal with it 😥

    Again, thanks for all the support. Will keep you updated! 


  2. Hi all ... 

    I started reading the post about positive returns to the uk a while ago, and absolutely knew it was time for us to go home. Reading them made my heart so happy, I can’t even explain.

    My husband and I are both originally from Scotland, we moved to Australia in 2011. Having moved 3 times here to various states for husbands work, hubby has now been told he’s being let go by the end of July. Such a shock for him, but in all honesty, I was a tad relieved. His work moved us from Adelaide, to Kalgoorlie and we’re now in Sydney. It’s been ok, but we’ve never really made any close friends, no one comes from the uk to visit us, our two children (7&3) don’t have cousins here to grow up with. We feel so alone! 

    We’ve recently become PR, which is great after almost our whole time here on working visa’s. We waited a year for the decision and in that time I was hoping they’d decide it was a no. Simply because I wanted to go home. 

    After expressing my feelings to my hubby, the whole time being in tears I might add ... he has agreed we should move back to the uk. He said it’s time to put me and the kids first for a while. I don’t think I’ve ever loved him so much in that moment 😍

    I want my kids to experience a different culture to growing up, I want them to get excited about a summer holiday abroad (we never really did holidays here to anywhere) I want to look forward to autumn when the forests are covered in crunchy leaves. I want them to learn about guy fawkes and enjoy seeing the fireworks. I want them to be so excited about the possibility that it could snow each Christmas. But most of all, I want them to do this with family and friends. They’ve never been able to celebrate a birthday with cousins. I want them to get to know them all, there’s quite a few 🤣

    So ... I’m now in planning mode, job hunting mode, all things uk mode! 

    We hope to be back by early August if we can. 

    I feel if we don’t do it now, we will always wonder what if ... ? 

    We know it’s not going to be easy (or cheap) - we have to start all over again with a house, cars, schooling for the kids. But I’m so determined to make it work. 

    If anyone has any advice etc, I’m so happy to hear it. 

    Jackie x 

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