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Posts posted by Livvy52

  1. Hi all, I’m new here so please forgive me if I get things wrong as I’m not tech savvy. 

    I would like some advice/information on returning back to UK after 30 years in Qld. I’ve been unsettled here for about 14 years, but I lost my Husband 18 months ago and the feeling of wanting to go back is more intense than ever. My late Husbands family say they will help me get re established, but I don’t like to put people out. I receive both the Aus and British pension and can only  rent on my return to UK. I’m 66 years old. I do have 2 Sons here and for whatever reason they tell me they hate me and when Dad died, I died too and they have no parents. This family feud has been going on for sometime and my Sons tell me I have to take the punishment for their Dad. All I ever remember was that they were brought up with such love. I’m still at a loss as to what I’ve done. It was Mother’s Day this past Sunday and I got absolutely nothing. I don’t have friends as my Husband and I only ever needed each other and had been together since we were 16. So my question is, do you think I can do it? Will I manage money wise? My brother in law says to go for a holiday first. I don’t intend to take furniture with me, which should keep the initial cost down. I’m hoping with my pensions it’s just a case of a recalculation. Will I be entitled to rent assistance and help with rates? I suffer from anxiety and this is a big thing for me, but I don’t want to be unhappy anymore.Thanks for reading

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