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Posts posted by Lana90

  1. Thanks heaps for the quick reply Nikisha and for taking the time to go through all my questions! Every little bit of information we get is extremely helpful! 

    We are going to submit it soon and just have to go through all the things we need and some of it seems rather confusing.

    We are planning on creating a pdf document for out timeline together and all events that happened for the last two years that we have been together.

    Do you think the below evidence is enough regarding our relationship:

    pdf of our relationship over 2 years(includes msgs pictures, joint travel documents, holiday photos, any significant events) and includes our plans for the future

    statement from 3 friends of ours

    we are going to take some pre wedding photos (as it is cheaper here then when we get to Australia) 


  2. Hey I have read and followed this thread for awhile as I am in the same situation! Hopefully I can get help from you 🙂

    We will be putting in our pmv in the next couple of months and are in the process of gathering evidence and clearing questions! Here is a short story of us:

    I am an Australian (Vietnamese) and when I went to Vietnam for a holiday I met my partner long story short after a few more visits and being long distance I decided to move over to Vietnam to be with him.
    As a result I have lived there for around 2 years now!

    As we are gathering evidence a few questions I have that I would really appreciate your help with are:

    1. I have extracted some messages using a program however the messages all have demo written across it is that okay?

    2. The messages have little English as we communicate with each other in mostly Vietnamese, however the I love yous and I miss yous are in English with lots of love heart emojis do we need to translate a few pages just in case? Or are the random English sentences expressing our love enough? Hehe

    3. NOIM so we don’t know when the visa will be granted how can we get a

    4. Form 888 for our friends do we need to organize first or only when requested?

    5. As for my job as i live in Vietnam and will go back to Australia shortly after we submit our PMV and get a job will that be a problem for immigration as they will think I cannot support my partner when he comes to Australia?

    6. We are both using the same email address to submit pmv is that okay?

    7. In the page where it details relationship can we write the same thing? Write it together as my fiance does not no much English do i need to get Vietnamese statement from him and then translate?

    8. Besides pictures and messages we have of each other we have travelled to 3 different countries together would flight tickets and passport visa entry and exit pages be strong evidence?

    Again I would like to say thankyou for taking your time to read about our situation and any help would be very much appreciated!!
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