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Posts posted by alok_au

  1. I had taken the help of migration Agent for all the steps for Australia migration under 189 visa. we received the invitation and submitted the application as well. Only later we realized that there were serious issues in EOI and skill assessment was expired. So we had to withdraw the application.

    We have done the skill assessment again for System Analyst occupation and received skill assessment letter as well.
    But Now I DO NOT want to take the help of Agent because of his mistakes.
    Thereby I have removed the Agent and updated to ACS as well to unauthorize the agent email id and that all future correspondence to be done to my email id only.

    I have submitted fresh EOI with my email id as correspondence itself.

    Last time the application was lodged and withdrawn by the agent himself. 
    So, once i receive an invitation this time, Do i need to submit any agent unauthorization form again to some one else, so that all correspondence are done on my email id.
    Do i need to create a new immi account ? If yes Do i need to link my previous application to the new application? Previous immi account would have been created by agent and he would not share it with me.
    Please guide.

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