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Posts posted by Sofiamilo

  1. Hi guys

    Just would like to get involved in the discussion as some advice based on experience.

    My hubbie was suffering with severe arthritis and we were living in Melbourne.  Could not add sleep at nights very painful. Full on medication painkillers etc. Went to a specialist referred by someone who just had a procedure and said best words about him. 

    Doctor said to us that Melbourne is the worst place for your condition . To much humidity cold. Shere is the best we can asked?? Qld

    So we decided to move to Brisbane. Best thing we did. Now sleeping like a baby ,no medication

    Can get humid Dec,Jan,,Feb, but all year round warm day and night. No blankets no douna.

    Take my advice move to Queensland but avoid coastal areas with the floading. We live 30 min out Brisbane near bribie island and redcliffe. Lovely new estate. Quiet areas birds singing no cars screeching,beeping horn's away from the hustle and bustle. 

    Good luck guys I dont know with the psoriasis arthritis how you can settle with the humid.!!!


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