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Philippa Thackeray

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Posts posted by Philippa Thackeray

  1. Ah ok thanks everyone. We are planning on using an agent after everything last time, we figured it would be the safest idea. Just want to gather some info before we start the process. His job is also on the medium term temporary shortage 482. Would you recommend going for this first and trying for 187 once we are there. Or is there another track to residency ofter 482? 

  2. So how do I go about finding out if I owe money and what is on my record? No my husband doesn't have a job offer right now, we wanted to figure all this out before we actively start looking. Dont want waste time and money if my situation will effect it. 

  3. Hello I'm trying to figure out if it's worth applying for regional sponsor migration 187. My husband has all the necessary requirements for it and his job is on the list. My only concern is that in 2015 I think I had my working holiday Visa cancelled. I say think as this is what they told me and I had to fly straight back to the UK, however I was never given anything confirming this and had my flights paid for me. It was all a bit strange tbh. I had to come back to the UK towards the end of my second year and when I returned with only 3 weeks remaining and no outward flight booked I got sent back. Anyway that's not the point here, the question is will my husband still be able to add me and our 2 children to his 187 application or is there no point? Also is there anywhere I can check if my Visa was cancelled officially? Thanks 

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