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Posts posted by brizpat

  1. If you previously held a QLD licence and have been a resident, you should be able to get it back when you're in the country. Good news - you dont have to hand in the  UK one! 

    Ater exchanging my QLD one for UK 12 years ago, I  visited Brisbane earlier this year in April ahead of moving back (fly out on Monday! 😁)  and popped into the department of transport and sorted out renewing my licence. This was aided by the fact that my Australian address has not changed since, so they still had all my details. 

    As long as you have proof of address and proof of residency, you will be able to renew your QLD licence and still keep the UK one. Unfortunately the QLD one only lasts 5 years and it costs way more to renew than the UK one. But you shouldn't have too many problems getting it.

  2. I moved to the UK 12 years ago and absolutely fell in love with the country, the people and the climate, surprisingly enough. Over those 12 years I have managed to see one family member at least once a years - I tended to go back every 2-3 years and my parents and my sister would come over every 3-4 years.We skype and whatsapp through the week as well, something which wasn't really possible when I first moved over. 

    But after 12 years the distance has become too much and I'm moving back to spend more time with my family and see what Australia is like now.  

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