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Posts posted by Jagermeester

  1. On 18/04/2019 at 18:07, dazedandconfused said:

    So my question is, after we activate the 309 next week, what are the implications if we return to the UK and continue living here until the end of the year or possibly even a few months into 2020?

    What happens when we get the grant for the 100 while we are in the UK? How long do we have once the 100 is granted to permanently move to Aus? Whats the process for that - is the latest date of entry for the 100 based on the medicals/police clearance like the 309 is?

    Id appreciate any guidance that can be given on the above.

    I want to thank you all for keeping this thread going, before this post I checked here every morning and it has kept us extremely positive in the past couple months.

    Kind Regards,



    Congratulations on the grant!

    So, to my knowledge, there should not be an issue for you given the situation, unless you are not planning to move before Jan 2021. You won't start the process for the 100 two years after your application of the 309, so that gives you plenty of time. You will need to supply another fair amount of information for the 100 (not sure of police clearance from the UK would be needed).

    So unless you are not planning to move within the coming year, year and a half, I foresee no issues. If you want to be sure, call Home Affairs, they should be able to take away your worries.

  2. 27 minutes ago, samie97 said:

    Great news! Congratulations! Our circumstances are almost the same as yours, de facto been together 2 and half years.

     When are you planning to head to Australia?


    We must enter before the 19th of December, but we are hoping on moving somewhere around September - October. In process of securing jobs now.

  3. Another Grant!


    I've been lurking on this forum for a while now and even though our visa is processed through Berlin, I still wanted to share my news with you all!

    Our timeline (i'm the sponsor)

    - Applied 25th of November

    - Medicals and police checks uploaded along the way

    -Grant 11th of April


    No RFI, no contact, nothing. Straight to a 309 grant.

    We are defacto partners (not married, no kids), together for nearly three years now.

    • Congratulations 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, LouFerg said:

    When I log in and look at my sponsorship application - I noticed that It says Applicant - my name, DOB and now it’s also saying next to it ‘approved’ even though the status is still submitted? Does anyone else’s say this? 

    Just logged in and checked, but mine sponsorship application does not say 'approved' next to my name/DOB. 😞

  5. 42 minutes ago, mia.oh.my said:

    Hello, so I've just had a RFI this morning (maybe things are picking up again?!) and along with my husbands medical and police check, they've listed an  Australian Federal Police Check under my name, but given I've never lived in Australia other than for the odd 2-3 week holidays, do I just ignore this? I'm have Citizenship by Descent so have only ever lived in the UK. I have emailed the CO back, so hoping they actually reply...

    As a Sponsor, do I complete a medical examination too? Sorry for all the questions 😫

    That's odd, about the police check. I've just check the Home Affairs site and it mentions that you need a police check from every country you've lived in from the age of 16 (from the past 10 years)


    I have a similar situation. Lived in Australia as a child up to my 2nd year and move to the Netherlands where I've lived ever since. I figured I didn't need a police check from Australia and decided just to request once from the Dutch Government.

  6. Hi all!


    I have been following this thread for a while now, congratulations to everyone who had received the golden email! It's interesting to follow all the developments.


    As many of the applications are done from the UK, I'm not sure I'm on the right forum. My parent applied for his 309/100 on the 25th of November from the Netherlands (we expect the visa to be reviewed by the Berlin embassy). Front loaded, police clearance are uploaded mid December and we are planning on doing the medicals in the coming month or two.


    We hope on a golden email ourselves around May and move to Sydney around September/October.


    So, let the waiting games continue ;-)

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