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Posts posted by Mattmeller

  1. Hi everyone,

    I'm brand new to this forum. First of all love the domain name 'pomsinoz' fantastic! 

    Secondly I have a doozy of a problem although I suspect not unique so I'm a British citizen and my girlfriend is Australian. Recently she visited me over here for 3 weeks and shortly after she returned home we discovered she was pregnant, since then I've been in contact with a Visa consultant based in Australia and he has said that I can come over on a 3 month ETA and in that time we can get married and apply for a partner Visa, I have a few concerns though I can just imagine the police swooping in and arresting us both on the day on suspicion of fraud or something maybe I watch too much TV I dunno, I've also been advised that I don't need a return ticket I can just come one way but this has made me worried I'll get pulled aside and questioned and then returned home and lastly does anyone have any links to stuff that outlines the type of evidence we need to apply for the partner Visa? Most of what I've found just gives a list of subcats everything falls under but if anyone knows anything more specific that would be fantastic

    If anyone can help me at all I would extremely grateful, thank you all in advance 


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