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Posts posted by John597

  1. Hey man,

    Coomer and Upper Coomera are great places but you need to pick your street carefully.

    I have friends that are trying to sell their house in the upper Coomera area but can't sell because of the Christmas lights in December causing havoc in near by streets. They have been trying to sell for over a year now but every time the buyer finds out about the debacle that the Christmas lights cause, because it brings in scummy people into the area destroying the peace and quite and hooning then the buyers shoot through. The have dropped their price twice now so the values are dropping in the area big time. The streets affected are Forest Oak Dr, Birdie Dr, Night Jar Dr and Sundew Dr. Apparently for the whole month of December they get like 5000 people a night coming to the Christmas Lights in Forest Oak Dr and the chaos it causes with that many people trying to fit into a suburban area is huge.

    My friend has had cars park all over their front lawn torn up by hoons , bottles of urine tossed over the fence, his next door neighbour has had people defecate next to his house, yeah it is a full on side show with no police control. His other neighbour has had his car that was parked out the front keyed by some kind person walking by that was there looking at the Christmas lights in Forest Oak Drive ,that paint job  has cost him thousands to fix. No wonder no one wants to live in this area due the night mares they have for a whole month each year. They can't even have friends over due to the traffic chaos that prevents them from getting to and from their house for hours every night for the whole of December.

    So it is no wonder that the house prices have dropped a hundred k or so in this area, if you can stand your property being violated and the pandemonium and house price devaluation then it would be a nice place to buy a house.


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