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Posts posted by Aoife

  1. I am on a 457 visa (granted march 2017 giving me expiry of march 2021). I am eligible to apply for PR through my employer in march 2019 but they have refused. I want to apply for a partnership visa with my Australian boyfriend we have been together 15 months but only living together for 5 months, is this a problem as some people tell me you have to be living together for 12 months before you apply for the Partnership visa?

    Secondly, I have been doing online reading and it seems that if I lodge an 820 visa while I'm still on my 457, a bridging visa will come into play. If I hand in my notice and have my 457 cancelled this then cancels the bridging visa that was activated from the 820 application then resulting in a different bridging visa with no work or travel rights until a decision is made for my 820 temporary partnership visa which can take up too 25 months.

    I am really unhappy in my work place and feel very defeated. 

    Can anyone recommend a good immigration lawyer in Melbourne?

    Can anyone confirm if I'm correct as I'm confused and being told different things. 


    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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