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Posts posted by GunWooJin

  1. Hello! I am a Korean student currently studying in an international school in Cambodia. This is my senior year and I am planning to apply to Australian universities. However, as a person with Crohn's disease, I am facing a challenge. At the moment, I am taking a medication called Humira every 2 weeks. The medication is really expensive and currently, the South Korean government is covering up some of its cost. Unfortunately, I can only bring 3 months worth of Humira with me abroad. It is financially impossible for me to travel back to South Korea from Australia every 3 months!

    So here are my main questions. Is it possible to get Humira in Australia? Are there health insurances that help cover up its cost? Is it possible that my student visa will be rejected because of Crohn's? Please help me! I am so so so clueless about health insurances! I don't know where to start.

    Sincerely, GunWoo

    Thank you!

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