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Jo P

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Posts posted by Jo P

  1. 13 hours ago, W2O said:

    I think they’re processed in the country you applied from. On my grant letter it states the processing office as Australian High Commission, London. 

    Hopefully Canada is just as efficient at processing as London...good luck!

    Ahhh makes sense...although I'm a little disappointed as I was getting excited about possibly hearing soon 😂

    Hopefully soon.....all limbs crossed. 

  2. Excited to hear of all the approvals! Excellent news...now I'm hoping my husband hears something soon as we applied late October too, but he hasn't even been asked to do the medical yet. 

    Does anyone know if applications are processed in Australia or in the country they are lodged from? Just trying to workout if we would be on the same timeline applying from Canada or totally different one......


  3. On 27/03/2019 at 05:40, Bruce down under said:

    Hi, I've just joined and hoping i might be able to get some advise around what notification others are getting following the the 309 visa application being submitted.

    to give an over view of my time line - 

    • 309 visa lodged on the 27th Nov 2018 
    • All information front loaded 
    • Health examination 3rd January 2019 
    • Now awaiting for someone to make contact.....


    How have others been contacted for RFI and Police checks, via email or through the IMMI portal in the application section? 

    I just want to make sure i'm not missing anything and like others, I think i''m going mad from checking application everyday!




    My husband applied Oct 31st and uploaded everything except medical and we haven’t heard a peep.  We are in Canada but I’m hoping it’s a similar timeline to the UK?....

  4. On 27/03/2019 at 05:12, W2O said:

    That’s great that you’ve had some movement, although I’m not sure about what they’ve asked for. I wonder why they’re asking for your UK police check if you’ve already submitted it...strange?!

     Did you fill in the section on the application about the nature of the household? If you did, then I’m not sure what they’re really asking for. 

    I applied on the 28th October so really hoping that I hear something this week or next week 🤞

    We are the same timeline W20, my husband submitted October 31st. Everything uploaded except medical...just waiting. We are in Canada though, but I’m hoping it’s still the same timeline....

  5. On 25/03/2019 at 19:56, NCTSJ said:

    Hello Everyone!

    After doing a little bit of research prior to applying for the 309/100 this is my first foray into finding a community - so far my husband and I have been going this alone.

    I'm Australian (I am a dual UK citizen through my mother who was born in the UK and immigrated when she was 8 with her family) and my husband is from Spain, but we both live in London.
    I've been in London 6 years this July, and my husband 5.5 years this October.

    We did things a little bit differently to some of the posts I've read where we got almost all of our documents together first and then applied - rather than applying and then getting required documents.  My husband and I have been married for 7 months - we got married in Austria because we thought that would be super romantic, until you realise just how much paperwork that entails - especially when dealing with 4 different countries (Aus/UK/Spain/Austria). We've been together for 1 year and 5 months (when you know, you know 😍😍😍) and haven't really been sure what impact - if any, Brexit might have on our application, or any of the election et al impact on processing times.  I'm hoping these won't be major factors for any of us!

    A little timeline:

    Application Submitted: 6 November, 2019  (including all supporting documents and statements such as police checks, 888 x3, et al)
    Medical Check: Submitted 26 November, 2019

    We haven't heard anything, or had any RFIs so I am optimistically assuming this means everything is fine - it's the not knowing which drives you mad!

    I haven't seen too many November submitters (special shout out to those that submitted in November 2018) but seeing the October submitters get approvals in March is making me feel nervous, impatient and hopeful that perhaps we aren't too far away from contact of some kind.  Any advice from anyone for this stage of the process? (apart from patience being a virtue?)

    Please add me to the spreadsheet and hopefully we are the next wave to be processed! x


    We are in the same timeline as you! My husband submitted Oct 31st, everything but the medical uploaded and haven’t heard a thing 😢 just waiting, waiting, waiting.  Only difference is we are in Canada not UK....

  6. Hi all, 

    Just reading through this blog and wondering/hoping about our approval.  I am an Aussie and my husband is Canadian (I know this is a british blog but it’s the best I’ve found for immigrating to Australia 😂). We have been married 10 years and have two kids who are dual citizens. My husband applied Oct 31, 2018 and has not heard anything. We have uploaded everything except the medical. 

    We are now in the process of deciding if we should list our house now without hearing anything as it’s a great time to sell here coming into spring, and deciding if we ship a container or just a pallet of boxes....?

    would love to hear people thoughts on timelines and everything! 

    Thanks so much. 


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