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Posts posted by Liam

  1. 48 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

    From memory they ask you to submit evidence so see if you can dig out any references, pay slips, tax returns etc from that time, or even just an old CV showing the dates. 

    Thanks once again for all your help. Was wondering about evidence. Don't think I have my old tax returns but probably be able to get something from my old employer.

  2. 20 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    How many years were you working in Australia before 2000?   Once you're resident in the UK (not before), you can apply to have those years recognised as counting towards your NI contributions. Unfortunately the years after 2000 don't count.  

    Thanks for that, Marisa. I worked in Oz for about 10 years prior to 2000, so if I  can count them, that would be a bonus. 

  3. Thanks for the reply, Marisa.

    Actually the reason I joined on here was to get advice about age pensions.

    I turn 60 next July. So am eligible for an age pension in the UK in July 2025. Being somewhat of a "ping-pom", I have 21 years of NI contributions, so my understanding is I should receive about two thirds of the age pension once I reach 66.I also have two small pension plans in the UK as well as a reasonable amount of super here.

    The reason for the two year timetable is to hopefully work here for the next 18 months and generate some more retirement funds as well as give me a long time to sell my property here. 

    However I am intrigued about your comment about the Australian age pension. An anomaly of being born I  1959 means I would be eligible for that in July 2026. A very brief enquiry to CentreLink implied that if I was to come back to Australia for a brief period before then and apply for the age pension when I turn 67 while in the country, I would be eligible for it, since I hold Australian citizenship? Of course, it would be adjusted downwards because of my UK age pension income. But if that's possible, it would be silly not to try? 

    I suppose all this is still several years away and the rules may very well change in the meantime. 

    Anyone else in a similar position? 



  4. Just joined this group, despite having lived in Oz for 25 years on and off. Very interested in this subject, as although I have not relocated back to the UK, I have made the decision to do so within the next two years. I was especially interested in others mentioning a "sense of belonging". Like others, I had to return for six months in 2011 to care for my ageing parents. After  I returned here to Adelaide, I felt I no longer belonged here. On the plus side, I was lucky enough to alleviate this feeling by doing lots of travelling, including at least 8 trips back to Europe. So happy to see so many people on here have made a success of the move. I hope I can say the same in a few years time. 

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