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Posts posted by RachaelS2000

  1. On 18/09/2018 at 20:17, Dasha_Dee said:

    I just signed up so I could reply to you! I feel like I can understand at least a little bit of what you're going through - my parents moved us all to Australia in 2008 when I was 18 (to Brisbane!) just after I finished college. I know all about the feeling of limbo (because I really wanted to go to university but permanent residents had to pay fees up front, and there was no way I could afford the ridiculous amounts of dollars each semester). I found it really difficult to make friends too, because all the people my age had just finished year 12 and already had all their friendship groups/inside jokes and no room for an awkward northerner with crippling homesickness. And I felt completely alone because I felt like nobody else understood me and what I was going through, because it seemed like the kids of people who moved to Australia either did so really young or at 11 (like you, and my brother) for high school. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone!

    For what it's worth, I'm really glad that you managed to stick out the three years and can apply for stuff next year. How are you feeling about your parents applying for jobs back here? Do you think you'll stay in the UK?



    Hi, thanks so much for replying. It's comforting to know that I'm not alone in this. At the moment, on a bit of a low. I do feel as though, now I don't really belong in either country. Didn't get a home "feel" connection with Australia, but then returning to my birth country, feel I've been totally let down by the system, even though I'm a British citizen. I just really want this year to be over already. Feel like I can't settle or even intergrate properly. I wish you all the luck with everything out there! You too, are doing extremely well under these circumstances. I feel like we do have to adjust very quickly in these situations. And some times, I don't think that's always fair. As it's a huge change!! 

    I do envy some people I know. They've been living with their parents, have their friendship groups all sorted, just finishing uni. They've had the luxury to feel settled. Yeah, I wish I was them sometimes. But then, I am so lucky and grateful to have that Aussie passport. I just want to get on with things here in the uk. Take care and thank you for your reply! 

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  2. Hi there, I've joined this site, as I'd really like  some advice, or even just to be able to have a chat with people who understand. In 2009 i left with my mum and dad to live in Australia, I was 11 at the time. We lived on the Gold Coast, Queensland for 6 years. So we have all our passports and dual nationality. Then In 2016, when i was 18, just finished high school, we decided to move back to the UK. 

    I expected it to be easy settling back in, as during my child hood, always hoped to return to the UK. But to my horror, I wasn't eligible to go to University, to join the police or the armed forces, as I hadn't been in the country for 3 years. This was abit of a blow, because everyone who was my age in the U.K seemed to all be at university. 

    So I was stuck in a limbo, as I knewwhat I wanted to do, but my residency was hindering me. I'm pleased to say, I've waited out those 3 years, and will be eligible to apply for everything beginning of next year. I'm just wondering if this has happened to anyone my age? Or how they've found moving back to the uk at 18-20 years of age. As I feel like I've been the only person this has happened too. 

    Currently, after being back for almost 3 years, my parents are debating on whether to return to Aus. They have applied for jobs. Just wanted to get this out, just incase anyone has been through anything similar. I'm grateful to hear from anyone. 

    Many thanks 

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