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Posts posted by HenIrmImmiAus50#56@

  1. We parents have 100% family [both sons] settled in Australia as Australian Citizen and Permanent Residents and have been in Australia on Visitor Visa Class FA Sub Class 600 with 3 years validity [ permitting a stay of 12  months in an 18 month period. This visa has since expired and we are back in our home country India contemplating our next visa.

    Since we have our entire family we are considering applying for the Aged Parent Subclass 804 since we are unable to afford the Contributory Visa categories.

    Can you advise me on this matter

    I would also like to know if the visa fee of AUD 6100 is payable on application and if Health and Character Assessment required on application or when placed in the queue 

    incidentally the Aged Parent Visa Subclass 804 queue calculator as of 30th May 2019 is 5850 

    Kindly reply asap

  2. On 28/05/2010 at 17:12, vron said:

    Great,will look forward to hearing from other parent,s wanting to get to oz...we will be able to pick your brains,hopefully to help keep us going on the journey to be with our family in oz .Were back in the u.k at the moment,mixed emotions missing so many things about u.k,but allso want to be with our family in oz,bet were not allone in our thinking ...

    Very true you cannot forget your roots we are contemplating  the CPV being 68 and 62 respectively as both our children are here

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