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Posts posted by TeacherSecondaryRed

  1. 3 hours ago, Bran said:

    Your PGCE will more than likely meet their requirements. My partner recently had his positive assessment for early childhood teacher. The required age range was 0-8, but his PGCE covered 3-7.

    As the above poster says, the important thing is to obtain evidence from the institution that clearly defines the age ranges, setting, and number of days per placement

    Thanks for the reply Bran. That is really good news to hear. I have already submitted this request to the uni so hopefully, I will receive this back soon.  

    I'm glad your partner was successful, it would also be good to hear from a successful secondary school teacher. Thanks again. 

  2. 11 hours ago, Areyousure said:

    I think you will be fine as long as you long as you have done 45 days of supervised teaching for students between the ages of 13-18. Try to get the Uni to mention the age group you had your teaching placement, as in 30 days for 11-13 years olds and 70 days for 13-18 years. Will you be claiming points for work experience as well?

    Thanks for the reply Areyousure, I have already requested this from the uni so fingers crossed!, and unfortunately not as i'm an NQT. 


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  3. Hello everyone, 

    I'm hoping to apply for the skilled independent visa 189 as secondary school teacher ANZSCO 241411

    I'm in the process of gathering documents to apply for my skills assessment to AITSL. 

    I have 3 year BSc degree and 1 Year PGCE. The title of my PGCE is secondary computer science and IT age range 11-16 although within my supervised teaching practice (over 100 days) I was working in two schools with joint sixth forms teaching age ranges 11-18. My current position as an NQT I am also employed to teach age ranges 11-18 (KS3 - KS5). I understand the secondary education system in the UK is 11-16  with those requiring only to teach sixth form and in colleges permitted to take a PGCFE.  I understand the AITSL is  "Assessment for Migration secondary school teachers teach students between the ages of 13 - 18 years in secondary schools.' 

    I am now extremely anxious my PGCE does not cover the correct age required by AITSL.

    Has anyone else encountered this problem or had a successful skills assessment with a PGCE in secondary ages 11-16?

    Many Thanks. 

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