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Posts posted by Afanso

  1. 1 hour ago, ArsalanAhmad said:

    The following is from another forum hope the following information will help you


    "Hi All,

    I attended my ceremony today. It was a long journey and hard. I went through a lot to become an Australian citizen and I think the emotional stress that I went through would need some time to heal.

    I complained to Ombudsman, Applied for FOI, went to MPs and even after approval I had to raise the issue up to minister to get my ceremony date changed because I needed my passport urgently and had a load of documents to prove the urgency of my case.

    I gained a lot of information along the way. My only advice to all friends here: Fight strongly and politely. Know your rights and demand them. There are 250000 cases of citizenship waiting for approval. There is no solid reason behind it. Security issue is a made up bulshit to hold migrants from voting in the next election (quoted from MP office). The more you sit back, the more you would be pushed back. They want to reduce the number of migrants because it puts the future of conservatives in danger.

    I applied for FOI and it was mentioned in the FOI all requirements met (10 months before approval). When applying for approval ask for a reason that your application is not approved. Ask for all the records and documents in CCPT and strongly ask for an evidence showing that department is waiting for a document from a third party to approve your case.

    I could find a direct telephone number from NSW ceremony section. I called so many times and asked questions that one of the information officers gave me this number and told me it is disconnected, but I tried it and it work. They actually told me I was planned to attend a ceremony in October and I went to council and found out that ceremony for October is cancelled. They cancelled a lot of ceremonies because they want to show off in Australia day that they have a lot of people as Ausralian citizen.
    This number is only for NSW ceremony section."

    Thank you.

  2. Soooo frustrated! Can anyone tell me what to do now?

    It has been more than 17 months since the lodgement, still no approval! ( Applied online in Mar 2017, tested in Jul 2017 at Sydney CBD). Called, emailed and sent feedback (complain) to DHA many many times but doesn't help at all. FOI has also been conducted and the records show "nil concerns", however the records also tell that the case hasn't been touched since Oct 2017. What should I do? Feel so bad!

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