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Posts posted by Mullsey01

  1. Hi Thanks for the reply.

    So could my partner enter using a subclass 600 tourist visa for 12 months, then go back to the UK for 1 month, could she then return for another 12 months.  I know she would not be able to work during this period.

    Would this work?

    Thanks again


  2. Hello,

    I hope i maybe able to get some advice.

    I am an australian citizen and on a trip to the uk 6 months ago met a woman.  We have met a few times in europe and singapore and we want to make things permanent.  I understand that a partner visa needs to be lodged while outside of AU and that my partner needs to be outside of AU when the visa is granted and this process can take up to 24 months.  I am trying to find out what our options are in the interim.

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.



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