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Posts posted by Richo28

  1. So my MSA has gone in now and I’m studying for the Pearson test like mad .

    ive retrained and got my nvq level 2 in solid plastering so to say it’s been an expensive month is a understatement but I’m hoping it’s all going to be worth it .

    Ive got a great agent who seems to be working hard for me and is quick to respond to my questions .

    so I feel this move might just come off ???

  2. Yes thanks for link.

    ive now had a good look at some things and we realise that an agent may well be what we are going to need now .

    my trade is listed and I’m doing some extra training this week in order to make our application much stronger .

    This is our dream to live in the big country we have done a far bit of research this last 3 weeks while we was over there .

    thankyou  for the advice ???

  3. Funny you say about talking to people as someone told us that last week and she’s been there 8 years now.

    Where my family live is starting to pick up as we was there last year and have just come back yesterday and there far more building going on plus the major money coming in to the port has doubled 

  4. Yes we are releasing its a not easy to get in which is why advice is always welcome .

    We are lucky we have a lot going for us 

    its a come a long way since my grandparents moved there as ten pound poms lol

  5. Yes we understand that I was really just asking where Others  started and what they found hard ,easy .

    we know we will have to jump through hoops to get there and am prepared to do so .

    we was recommended to post on here because of the first hand experience from people who have and are going through the process    

  6. Ok bare with me .

    My wife and I want to move to Oz.

    We have a 10 year old boy also.

    I have family in Australia who have said they will sponsor us (uncle/aunt).

    before I start our application I’d just thought I’d ask what some of you guys did and how you had approached your move over?



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