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Dreams 1024

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Posts posted by Dreams 1024

  1. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated ......

    Due to my marriage breakdown I find myself alone here in the U.K. with 2 young children (9 & 5yrs).  My brother emigrated to Oz 8 years ago & is now a Australian citizen & my parents emigrated 2 years ago on a Contributory Parent Visa & have permanent residency.  They are unable to return to U.K. as their finances are currently tied up in Oz. I have no immediate family here in the U.K. & am desperate to join my family over in Oz with my children. Unfortunately I don’t qualify for a skilled visa but having spoken with a migration agent, they have suggested the Last Remaining Relative visa. I could go over on a holiday visa then once there, transfer over to a bridging visa whilst the LRR is granted. I am aware that the processing time on this is around 50 years!!

    I have been informed that I would have work rights on the bridging visa but would not be entitled to any ‘Medicare’, only emergency care if we should need it.  Holiday insurance from the U.K. would cover the holiday visa period but does anyone have experience or suggestions for cover on the bridging visa.  I presume I could take out ‘Private’ cover. Anyone have thoughts on this please..  Obviously this is a major concern as having 2 children & although you hope that you never need hospital care, no one can predict the future.

    On a separate thought, does anyone know if I could transfer a holiday visa over to a student visa & hope I could train in something for the skills in demand??

    Feeling a little lost & hopeless at the moment & want to jump on that plane ASAP!!

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