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Posts posted by EKR

  1. Hi, 

    Thanks for pointing out that it is for the invitations. If I am yet to submit my EOI, does it make difference if i do it before they increase the points to 65 considering that at the present moment I only have 60? So, my main concern to get the invitation to apply for the visa will they assess it against 60 points (in force at the date submission of the EOI) or they will apply 65 points anyways? 

    I am still at getting the invitation stage... 

    Thank you for your help! 



  2. Hi, 


    Sorry for being confusing. So, let's say I apply today when the points are still 60. But they process my application next week when points increase to 65. Do they decline my application because I am short of points at the moment of their assessment or they assess my application against the points that were in force at the date when I actually apply? So, does it mean that even though I applied when the points were low I still will have to satisfy the higher threshold because they change legislation?... 

    I hope it makes more sense :)  

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