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Posts posted by Kaye

  1. Thank you for the response. I am dealing with the employer issues as of the moment, as a separate case.

    Can I ask a question?

    Could I apply for a different visa onshore while I'm on my BvA? Thank you

  2. Hello everyone, I'd like to share my case here and would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.

    I'm really in a worst case scenario with my sponsor and I don't have any idea howto get away with her for now. Soo.. I just realized that I'm in a "paying for visa sponsorship" case. Let me start by telling you all that I was logded into a 187 visa and currently hold a BvA while waiting for it to be granted. Now i found out my sponsor is scamming and making me work for free. I'd liketo get away from her dangerous situation right now. Is there any way the immigration will allow me to transition into another visa? i would greatly appreciate any advice, thanks! 

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