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Posts posted by sanctuary18

  1. Hi,

    I've been out of the country for 22 months now. 

    I know the immigration website says 2 years but just wondered if anyone had any experience of not meeting the time requirement by as many days as I have and still went ahead and applied for the visa.

    I'm not sure what to do next really

  2. Hi all,

    Would anyone know whether, when looking to apply for the 155 Return Resident Visa, the requirement of staying in Australia for 2 of your 5 years on your PR visa is strict?

    I have spent 699 days in Australia, so not quite hitting the 730 days requirement. Would that be acceptable enough or does it need to be exact numbers?

    My PR visa doesn't expire until November this year but I'm not sure if we'll be ready to permanently move back over again by then (which is our future plan).

    Many thanks


  3. Thanks so much for the replies everyone.

    A big pull back to Perth is family (although we love our babysitters). Ours (parents) come with so much drama and opinions I suppose in Oz it wasn't our problem so we lived in ignorant bliss. Issues can arise pretty much on a weekly basis and we're like WTF, can you not just live life and stop moaning. It sounds childish typing that actually but that's what our life is. 

    When we arrived in Glasgow last year I was so happy to see everyone and was getting on great with everyone that when it was suggested we don't go home I done the usual impulsive choice and declared we were staying here. By the August I started regretting my rash decision.

    I got a better job in Glasgow than what I've had before so thought I could bring my new skills to Perth and have a better shot. Husband has been offered his old job back if we ever return.

    We would be returning to Perth as we know the area (basically moving back to exact same suburb as we liked it there) and it's familiar and kids went to school there. I'd be happy to return there. Husband actually has 1 cousin there (although his kids are high school so we didn't want to reel him back in to babysitting days, maybe we would 2nd time round as he was really supportive for us).

    Thanks guys, I thought I'd wake up and hopefully see a reply and be like 'yes, that's our answer' but I'm still as confused lol. I appreciate all your time with helping me. 

    Happy UK Fathers Day

  4. Hi all,

    We (family of four, 2 kids primary school age) relocated back to Glasgow last May after spending 2 years in Perth. We have PR, visa end date Nov '19.

    It was on a whim (all mine) while we holidayed in Glasgow, meant to be for 3 weeks!

    1 year on, myself and hubby still cant decide where to put roots. Kids are wanting to go back to Perth. They like it here, love seeing family but still prefer Perth.

    Our main concerns are:

    1 - We had 1 date night in our two years in Perth and started drifting apart. We're just glad we could see it happen and saved us in time!

    2 - It was hard for me to get a job (about 1 year in before I got a decent job), while hubby settled in new job after first week, making friends etc... Did that affect my experience??

    3 - We have no family in Perth, so no backup plan if kids get sick/we need a break/(back to point 1). We're only young so still best pals and keen for date nights.

    So, we know in Scotland we get our more frequent date nights due to an abundance of grandparents, we both got great jobs straight away (thank goodness) and kids are happy in school. Finances are looking good and we could now buy our first home. But........it doesn't feel right. We're sad about ''settling'' because it's easier here (we're both from Glasgow). 

    I need someone (not biased family members) to lay it straight for me please. Am I doing the classic 'grass is greener' cliche because Scotland is all I remember and more (a bit of an unwanted culture shock and god if I here my 5 yo son one more time saying ''naw am no dain it'' ) or is it really more suited for us?

    Also, if anyone has time to help out with this question. For those of you who dont have family, have school aged kids who cant babysit themselves and still enjoy date nights. What are the options? Do you just suck it up and take the kids everywhere or it there a secret club of highly trusted babysitters for anxious and 'new to babysitters' parents??

    Thanks so much to anyone wanting to weigh in on my current dilemma. It consumes our days, day in day out. It's miserable.

    Have a good one :)


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