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Posts posted by C-Dawg

  1. Thanks so much for all the advice so far! It's good to hear other people's stories as well. 

    Just in terms of those saying about the opportunities being worse over in the UK... I work in a profession which is incredibly competitive in Aus and I currently have 3 jobs - one part time and two casual, just to make ends meet. None of these jobs are permanent and I've had to work so hard to get them. Back in the UK I will be far more likely to get a full time permanent position and maternity leave. It's much less competitive there. I do get paid more in Aus but the stability in my profession is just not there. 

    So even practically and career-wise, it makes sense to move back. 
    I was also upset by Brexit and I know the rich/poor divide is pretty bad but every country has it's negatives and I don't think Brexit is enough of a reason not to go back.

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  2. I've lived in Australia nearly 3 years now. Moved over with my dual citizen boyfriend. 
    We got engaged not that long ago and it dawned on me that as my fiance wants to be in Melbourne forever, I'll be stuck here too. He has family and old childhood friends here, great job. I had nothing when I first moved but I've been making a huge effort to be happy here, I've found work and got a few friends around. I was determined to make it work and be happy.

    But I've realised recently that I don't want to be here long term and I've been pretty miserable for the last year, to the point where I am going to receive input from a psychologist. I dream about home every night and I really feel like that's where I need to be for the rest of my life. I want to be able to see my family more often and for my children to know their family too. I don't feel like I fully fit in in Australia and feel out of place. But mainly, I've realised the most important thing to me in life in the people and I'm not as bothered about weather and lifestyle as I originally thought.

    My fiance understands this but he's not willing to move with me at this stage, because he thinks I'll be miserable there as well and he simply doesn't want to move back to the UK. Our plan is for me to move back and start a new life alone, and then he will decide if wants to come and join in the life I make. 

    I don't know if I'm about to make the biggest mistake ever by moving back without him but I also think I could be miserable and trapped here if we get married and stay here. If we have babies my feelings of missing family around are only going to get stronger. I'm going to risk losing him which will be awful in the short term but I think it will be worth it in the end. I'm 27 so I hope I'm not too old to start again. I also wonder why I would sacrifice everything I want for a man who wouldn't do the same for me. And maybe there is no happy medium, no matter how much we care for each other, we can't be happy as one of us will always feel we are meant to be in a different place.

    Has anyone been in this situation and broken up with their partners based on differing opinions on where you want to live and raise your children? Did you regret moving back alone? Did you learn you had rose tinted spectacles or that the grass is greener? 

    Any advice appreciated!

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