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Posts posted by GG81

  1. Thank you so much all of you. I'm starting to feel a bit better about it all! Will hold of personal emails then.. I guess I just thought it gives proof the relationship has been going for as long as we said.. But the first tenancy agreement is about 2 years later so that's still around 8 years. Dedication if we weren't actually together! ? 

  2. Oh wow, that's super quick! I wonder why some take so long? We have been wondering whether to start the process of police checks and medical (we both need one for the UK and OZ).. do these normally take awhile?

    Also, although I don't have old utility bills, I managed to dig out old lease agreements from all the houses we have lived at over the years and emails dating back to when we first met. Do you think this is sufficient evidence? I feel a bit funny about someone reading our personal emails but hey ho, needs must!


  3. Thanks this is all really helpful and encouraging. We might struggle for documents for early days as I don't really keep bills etc but I guess I can try estate agents for past tenancy agreements at least.. Thanks for info re kids.. it wasn't on the list of documents needed on gov website but ill add it to my list now!


  4. I am starting to panic about our visa application. Everyone keeps telling me how difficult it is, but we have just completed ours online and did not find it difficult at all? We will be sending it off next month when we can pay for it and am thinking that maybe the difficult part comes when starting to upload documents? My husband is a UK citizen. We have been together almost 10 years and have two children who are Australian citizens by descent. I am Australian. Our situation isn't complicated in any way. Can someone reassure me that it doesn't always have to be complicated? I just saw another thread on here about definitely getting an Immigration lawyer. Surely if your situation isn't complicated you don't need one? Thanks for any advice

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