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Moji Jalinousi

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Posts posted by Moji Jalinousi

  1. 5 hours ago, asifh15 said:

    What reason you gave to get Priority processing? I am waiting since september 2017 and no hearing. Can you please help?

    My wife was get sick Psychological and Psychiatrist sent a letter to AAT ,, and att after processing the letter and talk with docktor give the time for hearing to us 

    I sent the all the new evidence and make statement about my refusal and sent 

    and 5 hours talking with AAT that was very hard 

  2. 3 hours ago, Hawar19Jan said:

    What is result of your court hearing? You said satisfied. Is that mean your visa has been granted now?




    My lawyer told me the judge  admits that our relationship is real

    And we also fully explained about our visa refusal 

    and we answer to all the questions about our relationship and put to much evidence agein 

    but I was refugee before Australia 1 year ago I back to my country and apply for partner visa 309 

    just the judge ask me why you back to your country if you was refugee i expland why and tell her 

    i hope the judge just look at my relationship and don’t thiking about my refugee 

    I think she will respond to us within a month or two

    pls prayer for us we are very tired 14 Month I wait for visa 😞😞

  3. 1 hour ago, Sadia said:

    What is AAT?

    The AAT is for visa all visa refusal and if you have problem visa your refusal your visa you can talk visa AAT ( court ) 

    my partner visa was refusal 4 Month a go 

    I applied for AAT ( court ) today I with phone and my wife to be present and 2 witness to be present 

    5 hours was my court today 

    And many questions 

    And the The judge is satisfied with the reality of our relationship

    but just judge  told my why i was refugee in Australia I left Australia and I applied for partner visa 309 

    I expland for judge I hope she understand 

  4. On 25/05/2018 at 15:36, Ahmed Hassan said:

    I have received my AFP certificate today and it is the one which they dispatched 2nd time after my call. 


    On 24/05/2018 at 10:37, musmanasghar said:

    an error on Decision Maker's part when he misunderstood some timelines about the marriage and divorce about my first marriage ....


    On 24/05/2018 at 10:32, musmanasghar said:



    On 24/05/2018 at 10:32, musmanasghar said:


    Hi everyone, do you know good lawyer in Melbourne for tribunal,, my visa was refusal,, now I’m looking for good lawyer ,, 

    of you know pls tell me 

  5. Hi everyone just I have question 

    How much should I pay for Appeal tribunal (refusal partner 309 )  ?

    How many percent of refusal partner visa 309 are accepted and successfully ?

    how long take time for tribunal and get visa agein ? 

    Does anyone have it like me ( refusal and appeal and get visa ) ?


    i was refusal last week and I want appeal Agein............. o my god 

    why me.................



  6. 6 hours ago, Nemesis said:

    Speak to a registered agent and address the reasons for refusal if you wish to reapply.

    I talk with my lowyer ,, my case refusal because Caseofficer Not convinced about our visa 309 

    He has found five problems

    About my birthday photo 

    about Home appliances factor

    I got a headache about all  problem very funny broblem ,,,,,,,,,,,,

    i should be going to Appeal Court

  7. Hi everyone I have question for my friend 

    pls answer guys If you have information,,,

    He went to Australia  by boat 4 years ago,,,

    and he married with her wife she is cityzen 

    He can’t apply for partner visa onshore because he doesn’t ( permanent visa ) and he is Refugee now ,,,,

    his lawyer told him can’t apply for any visa from inside the Australia 

    His lawyer told him  first he should be withdraw the ( asylum case )and after back to his country and apply for partner visa ,,,,


    just I have question guys Is this true ?

    If you have any information, please share with me ,,,

    thanks guys 

  8. 1 hour ago, Andy_ said:

    The agent was probably going by some recent cases he had seen. Also, he could be exaggerating to get your business. The timelines provided by DHA (https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/about/access-accountability/service-standards/global-visa-citizenship-processing-times) are more reliable than any agent. Going by these timelines, 10-13 months is the norm. I honestly don't see a reason to panic before the 13 month time elapses.

    However in individual cases, it can take longer than 13 months especially if it entails lengthy security clearances of the applicant. Is there a forum where applicants from Iran are active? Maybe they can share with you their security clearance stories.

    Lastly, if you and your wife are sure that your relationship has a higher priority than any visas, then you two will find a way. In my humble opinion, the only thing you two can control at this stage is to stay true to the marriage vow that you will stand by each other through thick and thin.

    Thnaks a lot @Andy There is no Iranian forums , I ask some Iranian ,  Iranian got visa before then 11 months , for example my friend got after 4 months and anther got visa after 9 months 

  9. 32 minutes ago, Andy_ said:

    Moji, I might have misunderstood some of your points but the sponsor cannot really "prolong" the visa application. However your wife can withdraw her sponsorship at any time. If she does that, the Department will get in touch with you and advise you that you're no longer sponsored and that your visa application is being refused. Ask your agent if he has got any such communication.

    Otherwise, 10 months is not a long time. Keep in touch with your agent, stay on good terms with your wife and hope for the best mate.

    @Andy  Thank you for guiding me,,,

    some time I confused because they talking ( my wife family ) frankly.

    But I don’t know why her family I can’t get visa or I can get after 2,3 years 

    but my wife pushes me ,,,, I should be get visa soon ( her family told us I can’t get or long time ) I doubt to her  family,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    thanks Andy ??

  10. 38 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

    Who is the sponsor?


    39 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

    Who is the sponsor?

    My wife sponsor me ,,, 

    my lowyer before then start for apply he told us , I can  take my  visa before 6 months , now 10 months no visa no interview,, nothing 

    and when I talk with my lowyer he say I should be wait ,,,,,, and my lowery live in Australia,,,,, 

    Some of my friends got the visa before then 10 months ( 6,7,9 ) months.

    now ,,,,,I got problem with my wife family , They told to me, "It's been a long time and it's probably a problem, and you probably can not get a visa."

    but my lowyer Tells me there is no problem,, I can get visa but I should be wait ,,,, 

    now I have this question they can prolong my processing time for get visa or not , sometime her family told me I should be wait for this visa 2 or 3 year or i can get visa !!!!!

    this is my problem , from the start the apply her family told me I should be wait 3 years for get this visa and my lowyer told me 6 month !!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm confused now ? Who says right , her family or lowyer 


  11. I have questions  my friends؛

    Please guide me if you can 

    I applied for partner visa 10 months ago ok!

    not news about interview or medical and when I talk white my lowyer he told me just wait wait ,,,,, 

    now ، I found  problem with my wife because she told me Why is not your visa issued?

    I wanted to know does  the sponsor could prolong the proceedings ?????? 

    I have a doubt ,,,, My mother in low  told  me this  your visa is not issued because it has been prolonged and I doubt I now I have problem with my mother in low why she say I can’t get visa ?????

     sponsor just can withrow the visa yes !!!!!

    does the sponsor can prolong the proceedings time the get visa or not !!!!!! 

    Thnaks for help me 


  12. 12 minutes ago, Aisha00! said:

    Alhumdulilah hubby's 309 visa granted I couldn't beilieve my eyes i was waiting for them to interview my hubby (applicant) they interviewed me only (Sponsor)  and granted visa this was really strange to me


    DOL 31st july 2017

    DOI : 7th may 2018 ( sponsor) 

    GRANT date : 9.May 2018

    total 9 months 9 days 

    Soo happpyyyyy !! 

    Alhumdulilah mate , congratulations 

    pls prayer for me , I applied 24 July 2017 But no news yet ,, no call for interview or call for medical just wait wait 

    I have little bit stress 

  13. 6 hours ago, Andy_ said:

    Yup agree with that.

    @Moji Jalinousi they sent us a medicals request after the interview. We will be scheduling the examination for next week.

    @Andy that’s great ,, I prayer for you I hop you get visa soon  ,,,last week I sent the email for embassy ,, just they  told me i should be wait ,,, for the time just  check the website Immigration ,,,, 

    just o hope allah help me ,, because I have strees because everyone told me  Everyone says when you will to go my family and her family ,, There is a lot of pressure on me ,, 

    just I have hope I’m going soon 

    now 278 dayes I’m wait no interview no medical no call from embassy or get email  for more evidence 


  14. I’m like you i  apply 24/July 

    i undestanding your country and my country ( Iran ) is high risk ,, and the long time for the call interview and medical ,,,,,

    did you get any email or call from embassy?

    had you medical and sent for embassy ? 

    If you check the immigration website we should be wait 10 to 13 month for this visa 

    last week I sent the email for embassy and they answer to me today ,,, just told  me I should be wait 10 to 13 moth for this visa  


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