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Posts posted by bobo.plipaks

  1. On 07/02/2018 at 19:31, prnov16 said:

    Hi There,

    I got my residency(187) approved April last year. But i am working with my current employer since last 3.5 years.

    Recently our company  lost some major contracts and the business has taken a hit.

    My boss has told me that he can no longer provided me full time employment. He is happy for me to join some where else.

    My question is if i leave my present job and work with another company will that affect my visa as i have not completed the two years?

    My 187 visa got approved last March 2017 and Ive been working in the farm since 2014 bit last 5 months been off work due to elbow injury and Im in workcover and next week is my surgery but Im contemplating to resign as well because my elbow is not good and my neck is also flaring up which maybe connected to the elbow. My concern is the Immigration as well if I leave my employer early. I hope someone can answer me. Very much appreciated. Thank you

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