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Posts posted by Shirls

  1. Good Lick KCassapi, fingers crossed you will not have much longer to wait. By the looks of it, I must remain patient, as we only submitted all our paperwork Mid-August and going by your timeline we may not hear from CO till February..Thank you for letting me know, please let me know once yours is granted, fingers crossed it will not be much longer for you.

  2. Hi everyone,

    we have submitted our visa paperwork for the 489 NSW regional nominated and waiting with fingers crossed for it to be granted.

    When we submitted our EOI to the DIBP, the estimated processing time for an invitation was 6wks, we actually received the invitation within two days after submitting. I was just wondering if anyone has any idea if 489 visas are going to be prioritised through faster due to the new 491 coming in Nov. The global processing time originally estimated 10-15 months, but now it says that due to low volumes of applications they cannot give a timeline. This surely cannot be true due to the influx of applications all the states received before the deadlines.

     Feeling a little inpatient but also wanting to make decisions about house etc and feeling a bit in limbo currently.


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