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Sam Boardman

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Posts posted by Sam Boardman

  1. We have been granted a 189 visa, however we are trying to make sense of the 8504 condition. On the visa it states "for first entry, arrive by 26th January 2019." It also states "must not arrive after 1st December 2023" I'm writing this in the 1st December 2018 so I'm worried that I have to book a flight to Australia in a month and get time off work, to make it for the January 2019 deadline. I know we don't have to settle straight away but this does seem like a tight turnaround. When do we need to make out first entry? Any help would be appreciated.


  2. Hello,

    I'm currently filling in the dreaded Form 80. Under the International travel/movement section, do you have to include time spent in Australia? (As it says countries outside Austraia) Also does it automatically assume you would be in the country of your residence/citizenship? (So in my case it would be the UK) The wording is a touch confusing but I'm guessing I don't need to include every year/visit/time spent in the UK.

    Any help would be good



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