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Posts posted by Ukinoz

  1. Afternoon guys. 


    I have a few few questions and hope someone in the know or has experienced a similar issue may be able to help. 


    I was trying for 4.5 years to get my PR here in Australia as I love it here. After 2 canceled visas $40,000 down the drain and a whole heap of issues I was finally granted in April of this year. 


    Heres where the issues are. 


    I have been working for the company for 2.5 years and in that time so so much has changed. We have been through 40 members of staff and it’s now an extremely difficult place to work. 


    Unfortunately this has taken a big hit on my mental health and I have been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety due to work related issues. I have had nothing but broken promises and just been led down the garden path (Hence the 40 staff). 


    I have submitted 2 cases of harassment towards a manager at work but never heard anything back. I see a phycologist every week, on Anti depressants and fighting so hard to be happy. 


    I dont have it in me to walk out as I want to be here in Australia. I keep thinking it’s only 2 years post 187 and I’m free, but things are getting rapidly worse. 


    As as previously mentioned my 187 was only granted 2 months ago but I’ve been at the company 2.5 years. Is there anything I can do to get out? My doctor and phycayatrist have basically told me that it’s all stress related through work. I have reports from them, stress leave sick notes and everything else documented.  I don’t want to loose my visa but also don’t want to put myself though anymore. 


    Is there someone I can call? Is there anything I can do? In all honestly they are not breaking any laws but making my life hell. If I have to stay another 2 years I will but surly there’s something I can do? 


    Any advise would be great. 


    Thanks for reading this and hope to get to get something positive out of this post. 

  2. As much as I want to say this forum helps, it doesn’t. I have been waiting since early 2017 (nearly 2 years) and it’s completley random. I spent 6 months checking this everyday hoping and unfortunately it does not help. There is a Trend then the next minute they jump. The only advice I can give is “what will be will be”. If you application is legit then sit back and relax. If not then it shouldn’t even be in the system and that’s why it’s taking so long. 


    Good luck to everyone’s application but I completley agree with the additional screening from the government. 


    Happy 2019 people. 

    March 17 and still nothing. Legit job 25 mill turnover 200 staff and low risk country. 

  3. Just a word of advice. I had a 457 and the log in details for that. Somehow my 187 visa application was imported into that page and I changed my address on it. 


    I then hen got a call off my MA threatening to withdraw and not represent me any more. I had to write an email explaining. This was unintentional but still can jeapordise the outcome for those wanting to log in and check there status, proceed with care and try not to do anything can can upset anyone. 



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