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Posts posted by CLR

  1. Hi - I was so happy to see this post. Its literally the same situation we're in, although we only have the one baby who has just turned 1.

    We went home for 10 weeks in May last year - unlike other trips home we looked at this as being a grounded experience of what it would be like to move home permanently. We ended up having such a good time and so decided the move home is definitely going to happen now, early 2019.

    I have always wanted to move home but now we have made that decision i still worry that maybe its not the right one - no specific reason, I think its just the thought of all the change and the unknown - i spent my whole bus trip to work this morning talking to my mum about it. The bottom line is if I say to myself or my boyfriend 'lets just stay' we both say we don't want to.

    We'll move home and see how it goes and if in another 10 years (or sooner) we're ready to move again then we will. Nothing has to be forever.

    Its suits us now to be closer to family - plus a hundred other reasons - and so for now this is our plan


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