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Posts posted by kenc1285

  1. Hi, I’m also in the process of getting everything together for EOI. I am a teacher of the hearing impaired in the UK applying for a 189 visa. It looks like I have to the IELTs academic test and get me skills assessed with AITSL, so I have emailed previous unis for transcripts etc and am arranging a skills test. Could anyone recommend a migrant agent that they’ve used to help? Thanks

  2. I am a Teacher of the Deaf in the UK and I am looking at applying for a skilled visa in Australia. I'd love to hear from anyone who has come over from the UK to work in Oz as a ToD and how they have found it. Does the fact it's on the skills list actually transfer to job opportunities? Do people think it's realistic to get a job before coming over? As I'd be coming over with my family and have young children, we are very aware of the set up costs and high cost of living and would want to get money coming in a soon as possible.

    Thanks in advance for you time and help,  Kenny 

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