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Posts posted by DrNH

  1. On 11/7/2017 at 13:02, henryolonga said:
    On 11/15/2017 at 16:39, henryolonga said:


    Nobody can give the time frame when they will make a call to you again. 

    We missed a call after 6 months of applying for the visa. 
    The next call came after 4 months (i.e. After a total of 10 months of applying for the visa).
    The visa was granted in next couple of days after the call.


    You can assume that the next call will be made to you once they will be about to finalize the case. 
    If you have applied by yourself, (without using a consultant), the best you can do is to ask some expert to review your documents (i.e. The documents which you have already uploaded or provided to immigration). 


    They can call you anytime.

    Wish you all the best !!!



    Yes InshaAllah. I will get it reviewed too.

    Thank you so much for your reply. It was much needed.

  2. On 11/7/2017 at 13:02, henryolonga said:



    Just be patient. don't worry. They will call you back anytime. Missing a call is normal. It can happen to anyone. 

    Be ready all the time in future to receive the phone call from them. That call will be for interview. 

    In some scenarios like us, they give a call couple of days before granting the visa.

    You can call at Islamabad high commission and let them know that you have missed a phone call.




    Thank you for your response.

    I have called them a week after I missed my call and informed them about it.i have send an email too..

    1.Can you tell me approx how much time does it takes for them to call back? It's been 6 weeks since I have missed a call from them.

    2.does the application goes back into the pool if the applicant doesn't respond like a missed call?

    I am very upset..nothing soothes me..let me know anything I can do for my application.


  3. On 9/13/2017 at 09:48, henryolonga said:


    When we checked the call history in mobile phone, the call was made from the phone number (051) 8355500. 

    This phone number is of Australian High Commission Islamabad. 

    Unfortunately, my wife was busy at that time and was unable to pick the phone call.





    I have applied for my 309 visa from karachi on 11 February. I have applied it online

    I have missed their call on 28th September. I am a doctor. I received it in hospital and asked for few mins..i called them back and while my call was being through the operator..i missed a call from them again..

    I have have emailed them and called them many times..no correspondance. What should I do..please help me..I am extremely worried 

  4. Hi everyone, 

    I need help.

    I applied for my partner visa 309 on 11 February 2017 online from Karachi

    Medical done on 16th February 2017

    I missed a call on 28th September..i am a doctor..i talked to the case officer asking her for ten mins..she called me back but I missed it again

    I am really worried about it . I have send them an email on the same day.called them too..no updates or call till now..

    Please let me know what can I do?

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