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Posts posted by Shackletons

  1. We have been told as long as we apply before husbands birthday we will be ok.  He does need to take an English test.  We are to pay a deposit now and will be put in touch with someone to arrange appointment to tell us what paperwork is required for skills assessment and we have to book English test for November.  Our worry is are we wasting our time and money.  No one has mentioned we have to be "invited to apply", only that the timescale is tight.

  2. Thanks everyone.  Got some serious thinking to do.  Our adviser said was doable but would be tight.  What is an "invite"?  education wise both will hopefully have gcse's, older one will be possibly part way through an art and design course.  Will they not be able to get into a college over there with gcse's? Thanks

  3. Hi we have been wanting to move to Oz since visiting 10 years ago but circumstances have never been right.  We are have decided it's now or never and have told by an agency that hubby will qualify for a 189 independent skilled worker visa (he is a domestic gas fitter) subject to passing the English test and getting the application in before he turns 45 in February as needs the extra 20 points.  We are concerned as another agency said we were too late because of his age.  Don't want to start paying out to be told we're too late.  We would like to live on the Sunshine Coast and would appreciate any honest opinions/advice (we can take it!) on job prospects, education for 16  and 17 year olds,  best places to live etc as we only have a few days to make this huge decision.  Thanks in advance. Paula

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