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Status Updates posted by Shackletons

  1. Hi Richard we haven't signed up with anyone yet but wanted your opinion on whether or not we should  apply for a 189 skilled visa.  Basically been told that as long as hubby passes the English test we will be able to apply (gas fitter, 60 points).  Problem is he is 45 in February.  Had 2 agencies tell us differently - one says too late, other says is doable but tight.  We don't want to waste our time and money and get our 2 teenagers hopes up if there is little or no chance.  Please can you give us your opinion?  Many thanks.  Paula

    1. Richard Gregan

      Richard Gregan

      Hi there,

      With 60 points I have to say this is very unlikely since no-one since July has been selected with 60 points.  There is a huge backlog of people already in the queue.

      Other options?  Do you have close family in Australia as 489 Family could be doable if you get skills and English on time.



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