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karen williams

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Posts posted by karen williams

  1. I have a Financial adviser in Melbourne, he does my tax return etc he also seems to know about Capital Gains Tax, not sure if he would be much good where moving overseas is concerned, someone has suggested I contact the Tax Office and ask them, bit wary of doing that. It's good news that I could ring someone at Money Corp, I think this is one of the times I would not be comfortable with doing everything on line. Regards  Karen


  2. 18 hours ago, Amber Snowball said:

    Can’t answer the tax question but I used Moneycorp to transfer my house funds. You can open an account via the link on this forum so you don’t pay fees. There are other companies as well if you google. Don’t use a bank. They have high fees and poor exchange rates as a rule.

    Thank you that's very helpful, sounds like it can be a bit of a minefield.


  3. I sold my house in Melbourne last year, I have had the money on term deposit up until recently. I am currently living in a unit that was previously in my Husbands name, he passed away the title is now in my name.it was previously rented out for approx. 20 years. I am in full time employment so for tax purposes  I think it may be better to rent it out for a while when I leave and sell it in the next financial year. I am confused re the safest way to transfer money to UK, I have been looking at property and if I buy a home how do I transfer the funds? I visited England in September and opened a bank account. 

  4. I am British but was living in New Zealand with my young Daughter when I met and married an Australian, it made sense to move to Melbourne Australia as all his family were here. With the exception of his parents his family were not overly welcoming. We adapted to our new life, it was only after my Husband passed away three years ago and I have visited UK three times that I realise, I have lived in Australia but it's never really been home, on my last visit to England in September this year, I felt totally content and walked around with a stupid grin on my face most of the time. I love the British sense of humour and I just felt like I belonged. My Daughter and her then boyfriend moved to London 12 years ago on a working holiday, they are now married with a child, they have visited many times but there is no talk about moving back to Australia to live. When people asked me when I was flying  home I realised I already felt like I was home. I would have happily stayed in England. When I arrived back in Melbourne I felt totally flat. I am now making plans to move to England to live and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I am not saying that Australia is a bad place to live, it just doesn't suit me.

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