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Posts posted by maxsoaps

  1. Hi everyone,

    Apologies if this has been asked before, I had a look but couldn't find anything.

    I recently moved over to Aus from London with my Australian partner, it was quite a last minute decision, so having got some advice we thought it would be easier for me to get a WHV for now and then apply for the 820/801. I sponsored her when she lived in London with me for 4 years so hopefully we have all the info they need! 

    The question I have is can we start the process of applying for the 820/801 before the end of the WHV (which is end of Nov) as we want to get things going? Also I have been offered a 12 month job and worried about the 6 month restriction if we apply for the partner visa can that help? As will move onto bridging visa? 

    Hopefully that was succinct enough and make sense! Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  2. Thank you Snifter. That is very helpful.

    I have spoken to some other people and they have agreed Offshore is best. But there does seem to be some worry about being turned away at Border if you have a WHV and an offshore application ongoing. As anyone done that?

    Also just to clarify, let's say I get a WHV for now, as soon as we touch down in Aus can we start the application for the onshore visa or do you have to wait for WHV to end before starting that application? 


  3. Hi Everyone,

    Thanks in advance for helping.

    My situation is that I have been living with my Australian girlfriend in London for 3 years(I am a British citizen). We want to move to Australia at the beginning of December. I guess it is only fair, she has put up with the cold for a while now! 

    Should I initially just get a working holiday visa to start with and then we apply for the 'The temporary Partner visa (subclass 309)'. The Pros seems to be relatively straightforward and less of a big financial hit straight away, the cons being you can only work at one place for six months, may put off potential employees? 

    Or can we/should we apply for the 'The temporary Partner visa (subclass 309)' now and I forget about the working holiday visa. Obviously we will need to apply for this so I guess good to start now. But with a flight booked on November 30th will I be able to get in if it still being processed? Have we left it too late and should wait until we are in Aus?

    These are big complicated questions and really I am most concerned about the Ashes and us winning that, so if anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated!



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