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Posts posted by Yorkshirepom

  1. 1 hour ago, Alan Collett said:

    You are very welcome to contact me if you are interested in knowing our fee for tax guidance/a written tax opinion.

    In the meantime ... note that you can be tax resident in the UK and in Australia under the domestic tax legislation in each country.

    Best regards.

    Hi Alan how can I get in contact with you you In oz can ya send me ya contact details 

  2. 3 hours ago, Alan Collett said:

    Suggest you might have a look at the UK's Statutory Residency Test ...

    Best regards.

    Thanks for the link Alan that's a mine field if iam reading it correctly if my boss keeps me on as a employee and I take annual leave and spend under 91 days int uk with in a tax year I will still be classed as a oz tax resident 

  3. 46 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

    No, you're not an oz tax person till the following June.  If you sell everything up and leave permanently on 30th May, you cease being a tax resident of Australia on that day.  You'll submit your tax return up to 30th June 2023 and that's the end of your Aussie tax residency.  It's true you don't have to actually submit your tax return until October but that's not relevant.  You won't be an Aussie tax resident in September when he wants you back.

    That's why it'll be an issue if you return in September.  If your boss wants to hire you, he should be consulting his accountant to find out how he can employ you.  The problem is that if he gets it wrong, it won't hurt him, but it can cost you a horrendous amount in tax.

    So if iam still on the firms books just taking a 12 week holiday I no my personal stuff is heading back I've never owned a property in Oz just rented that won't keep me as a oz tax person for the following year 

  4. 8 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    Is this project not due to start for some time then?  I'd have thought it better to stay in Australia until you get notification your shipment has arrived, then fly home to deal with it, then return to finish off the project.

    hi marisawright i am all set to go back to uk as of the 30th may flights booked personal belongs already on the way then boss asked if i would come back in september as got big project to do by next june he said still go back and have a long holiday as i ant had one for since 2017 then once my gear turned up at me dads he would fly me back to oz get the project going then fly me over for a week for me dads birthday in november then come back till job finished then leave for good then 

    thought there be no issues as i still be a oz tax person till the following june just be having a long holiday and scope things out for then 

  5. thanks for the advise people 

    if I decide to help the boss out plan is to head back for a long holiday so iam there for when my shipping arrives so can help parents sort it and store it so that would be about 12 week holiday have a look around at property and get a feel for living back in uk 

    then I would fly back and work till next June or till he's got enough staff trained also in deal would be a flight back in November for me dads birthday as he's 80 this year would there be any issues with this plan 

    thanks again for any advice given 

  6. hi all after some advise iam all set to fly out back to uk at end of month but my boss in oz as just asked me if I can come back to help him out on some projects for 8 months as he's struggling for staff hes will to pay for me to fly back once my personal belongings get back to uk  questions

    1 my belongings are on there way back I no I've got to be uk for when they get there and I will be store them at parents place as that's what I've given as my uk address is there any issues for me if I fly back for 6 months to help him out

    2 is it right I can entre uk for 6 months with out become a tax resident again so stay as a oz one fly back help out for 6 months then head back 

    3 while iam in uk can I look at property and buy one for when I get back wouldn't rent it out would this be a issue on oz tax or do I just wait till back 

    4 can I buy a car while there on my oz licence and insure it for the short time as I no I need to become a uk tax resident to swap to a uk licence

    and is there any other pit falls I should be aware of if I did help him out or just say sod it 


    thanks in advance for any tips given 




  7. can anyone help aim just about sorted booked flight for June to head back to uk question I got is my savings sending them back as the oz dollar the last 3 weeks as gone down a lot and its making a big dent in my funds hopefully it picks up before June if it doesn't can I leave them hear till a better time and transfer later is there a transfer window for getting funds back or would there be any tax issues if I left it to a later time 

  8. On 27/12/2022 at 15:27, Sloth said:

    We're heading back next year and plan to use Wise. We've been using them for several years to send money in both directions. Opening an account is straightforward enough.

    Have you told the receiving bank in the UK what you're planning to do? The last thing you'll need to happen is your account being frozen for suspicious activity.

    thanks for the info and tip about letting uk bank no what iam doing good luck with your move

  9. On 27/12/2022 at 13:40, Marisawright said:

    Many members here have used Wise, for many years (it used to be called Transferwise).   

    I notice that a company called Send is now sponsoring the site so it would be worth looking at them, too. 

    I don't think you need to be concerned about having to set up an account with them first.  They are both reputable firms.

    thanks for the info 


  10. On 24/01/2022 at 21:46, Cup Final 1973 said:

    You’ll also need to remove yourself from the electoral roll so you’re not fined for not voting!  If you’ve already made a will you’ll need to inform your solicitor to cancel it as it’s no longer valid once you move overseas.

    nice one cup final will add to the do list total forgot about electoral roll will not a problem don't have one

  11. ayup all 

    iam looking for advice on moving back to the uk I've been living in oz for 15 years this may and though I've enjoyed my time hear being on my own and not getting any younger i need my family around me so some questions to ask about finances and moving gear back 

    1 no property to sell as I've been a renter and at the moment just renting a room with friends

    2 with no assets to sell I've just got savings in commonwealth and hsbc banks what's best way to transfer these to uk i still got bank account in uk and do I have any tax to pay on this

    3 what's best to do with my suppa as I've been told I cant touch this till  60 and if I take it as a lump sum at 60 I will lose a third of it when it gets to uk iam I best to keep a bank account in oz then have it payed as a wage into that account on retirement 

    4 moving personal items back to uk how in depth do you have to go with tor form as I restore vintage speedway bikes and to list every part is going to take some time + my work tools and other items

    5 national insurance number I've still got copy of mine so do I just reinstate this don't need to top up contribution's for uk state pension as I've been doing this and i had notification iam up to date

    6 when's best time to move back with regards to Australian tax office would it be at end of June that's when I intend to finish work and of course that's end of tax year  

    7 iam best to  notify the tax office medcare and the doctors when I move

    8 driving licence for bike and car can i just swap these over as my old uk one as expired

    9 car and bike insurance is best to get copies of my years of no claims before I leave to help on get insurance cover when back in uk 

    10 when i get back to uk i intend to move in with parents till I find a place of my own think I read on uk site for moving personal items back I need something of where iam going to live does this intail a letter from parents that i intend to live with them?

    cant think of any other questions at this moment in time so any help will be appreciated and if there's anything I've missed please let me no 





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