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Posts posted by akkhan84

  1. Hi 

    Has anyone here got a positive assessment for a degree from University of People(https://www.uopeople.edu/)? I have a bachelor degree in computer science from this Uni and was wondering if anyone here is in same boat and can share their experience with ACS assessment. 



  2. Hi

    I had my citizenship and interview and test done today. It went all well and I passed the exam as well. The officer though did ask me to provide a translation of my Saudi iqama (resident permit) which is in Arabic. I have a copy and can provide the translation but my only concern is that my name is spelled differently and my date of birth is incorrect (day and month are incorrect but year is ok). This is a very common issue with Saudi resident permits. I had the same issue with my driving license and Vicroads accepted it. Have anyone else faced similar situation and what would you recommend I do. Should I just provide the translation or write a letter with explanation?

    Thanks for your advice!

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