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Posts posted by thebigmove2017

  1. 10 hours ago, Nikkigel said:

    Hi all, 

    i was wondering if any of you applied for visa 190 and how much money do you have in your bank as show money? 

    Thank you

    NSW didn't ask us anything about our finances/bank balance/how much we had for immigration or settlement purposes. We got a 190 visa which was granted last July.

  2. i was in perth on a temp visa a few years ago, with 3 kids who only needed after school care and it worked out at over $700 per week, for full time care for 2 children on a temp visa i imagine you will be looking at $100-$120 per child per day, depending on what suburb you live in. i ended up getting a childminder who came to my home in the afternoons for $100 per day for all 3 kids. when there is o subsidy you pay a small fortune

  3. 8 minutes ago, Rgmiles1982 said:

    Hi, just a very quick question. Looking at options to move to Oz with my wife and two children. Does she need to qualify or can everyone go on mine if i qualify for a visa? 



    no she does not need to qualify as she is your spouse. everybody can be added to your visa application as you are the main applicant. just been through this process and we are not married, had no issues

  4. 2 hours ago, tracybayliss said:



    i have been following your post with interest. I am a uk midwife now in Brisbane and did many many years of research on midwifery group practice.  I had been a community midwife for over 14 years with a high homebirth rate and was looking for a model of care similar to community midwifery. Over several years I had been offered jobs but still couldn't take the final plunge until we arrived here in 2014 with only 8 days left on our visa.  I loved my community job in the UK and my passion for normality and homebirths is what was holding me back. What an experience I have had so far plugs being taken out of baths to prevent women from labouring in water, social inductions so many un necessary interventions and mention homebirth then it's like you've committed a sin. 

    I have some family here so came out 3 times on holiday before making the final move I still don't think holidaying can prepare you for the move. For me your job takes up such a massive amount of time in your week and you need to be happy I became a midwife to be with women to be an advocate and provide continuity of care, it is so different here. No matter where research has been done how long we have done waterbirths in the year 2019 some hospitals in Australia still do not allow women in water even for pain relief.


    Midwifery group practice is case loading and I didn't have to go through any supervision. Most hospitals actually do respect that UK train midwives are trained differently and have more experience than students here, as students often have very little experience out in the community with antenatal or postnatal care.  Don't get me wrong I would never want to work in a hospital environment in the UK as that has its own problems with staff shortages. But coming here I realise even more I did have the best job in the world community midwife.

    private midwifery is very interesting and I often wonder how doctors get away with the lack of informed choice they fail to provide women with. 


    If I was asked honestly if I've felt supported by members of staff as this was an issue for me coming in from the community to a hospital setting I would have to say absoluetly not and I've worked at two different hospitals now whilst I've been here. 

    Good luck



    im currently a student midwife in Ireland, just finishing my second year.i have one more year of Uni then my 9month internship. i already hold P.R will be validating visa in May this year and will make a permanent move in Sept 2021 once i qualify.  i am a bit worried about the supervised practise i feel it may hold me back with getting work as a midwife (even though i will have just completed 9months supervised internship as part of my degree, as far as im aware UK midwives dont have this as part of their midwifery degree, i wonder should i expec tthe supervised practie on my registration? who knows right? hopefully by the time i move permanently it may have changed again.

    any advise from those of you who have been there would be great.

    i enquired about graduate programs through ramsay jobs, and was told i would be elegible to apply. however i will be 37 qualifying so no spring chicken.

  5. i didnt use an agent for our visa 190 application last year. our case was straightforward enough for 2 adults (unmarried- this was not even questioned) and 4 children. i  was meticulous with gathering evidence to support our application and left nothing to chance, for example, one employer didn't answer, when we emailed for details of the employment so we didn't use the points even though it would of given us an extra 5 points, i didn't take the risk.

    as others have pointed out for a straighforward case, i say go ahead yourself, if your unsure go the MARA route


  6. Thanks. My daughter is really up for it some of the time then other times a bit aprehensive which is totally understandable. Leaving her wouldn't be an option for us so if she was to be really against it we wouldn't go . Realise it's such a difficult age anyway just think it's a great opportunity so hopefully we can all give it a go! 
    I genuinely hope that by giving it at least the year she will love it all over again and hense im kind of calling her bluff that she wont want to move back. Perhaps wishful thinking but we will work it out as a family together. Oz for us has much better finacial prosepects as well as our love for the sun and the way of life.
  7. Hmm, 17 is a really bad year educationally to move a kid.  As mentioned to the OP, finishing up education in UK is by far the most sensible option - 17 is even worse than 16 tbh! She would be more sensible to finish A levels then move. With that bit of extra maturity and all her options kept open you might be pleasantly surprised to find that she actually is ready for the adventure and that would fit in nicely with starting Uni.  She's got time enough to move
    She will have finished school. We are Irish so will have done her leaving certificate in Ireland, which is recognised in Australia.
  8. we will be moving with 3 teenagers, 1 is being very difficult about it, she will be almost 17 when we move, i have asked her to come for a year and if she really hates it she can come home to my sister (she is super close to my sister) i have also told them they are welcome to have a friend for a month at a time in the first year. we have all lived in oz before (home 4.5years now) and she was devastated when we returned, hoping she will love oz again tho, i dont think i would be able to be that far away from any of my children but i wont force my dreams on them either.

  9. also check results of last few rounds to see what points accountants are being invited on. i dont know but i do know accountants are higher points than the 65 required to be eligible

    • Thanks 1
  10. Congrats on your 190 Grant! You must be so excited, when do you plan on moving? 
    When did you apply and what Anzsco code did you apply under?
    We are validating visas in may, booked flights a few days ago, we cant move jist yet for various reasons. We got visa because he is 38 now and we would of lost points if we waited. We applied in March 18' granted in July 18'. Husband primary applicant, general electrician. 190 visa NSW
    • Like 1
  11. How many bedrooms?  How long a commute are you willing to accept (assuming you're working in the city) - alternatively, where will you be working?  
    Sorry for all the questions but you're asking about such a huge area, we need to narrow it down somehow!  
    Check out domain.com.au and realestate.com.au.
    $600-$700 a week is a low budget for a house.  In most beachside or near-beachside suburbs, you'd pay that for a small flat.  Is there a reason you've chosen Sydney rather than another city?
    4bed ideally, it doesnt necessarily have to be sydney my husband is electrician and im a midwife so would need to be close to hospital/ construction. We want to settle in perth but need to do 2years in NSW to fulfil our 190 visa. Have never been to NSW so was just looking for guidance on suburbs to look at. We are completely open tk anywhere in NSW to be completely honest but near the beach would be ideal as when we lived in perth we lived near the beach amd loved it. Once we do our 2 years we will be heading back to WA
  12. I have been extensively researching this, i am an Irish qualified midwife completed 4years (inc 9month supervised internship), i am concerned my registration will come with conditions as it seems alot of direct entry midwives have come up against this with APHRA. has anybody been through this, and is it difficult to obtain employment or an employer willing to complete the supervision period.


  13. we are going in May to validate our visas, looking at booking a hire car for 2 weeks we are there. we don't have a credit card anymore and use our visa debit for everything. Hertz will allow me book a car and pay for it in full online but the website is telling me i need a credit card to pay bond on pick up. is there any way around this? can i use a pre paid credit card? i dont want to get a credit card just for a hire car bond?

    is there any way around this.

    flights booked, accom booked so this is the final hurdle

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